Reticulated pythons and boa constrictor feeding day big girl will be on rabbits soon #reptiles
Father and son prepper
Reticulated pythons and boa constrictor feeding day big girl will be on rabbits soon #reptiles
7 November 2024
Father and son prepper
7 November 2024
Farther son compound bow practice
Father and son prepper
Farther son compound bow practice
Female lavender motley tiger reticulated python girl around 9 foot  #python #retic
Father and son prepper
Female lavender motley tiger reticulated python girl around 9 foot #python #retic
setting up cross bow sights #crossbowking
Father and son prepper
setting up cross bow sights #crossbowking
Nice shot #airrifleshooting #target
Father and son prepper
Nice shot #airrifleshooting #target
less than 5 hours altogether practice but is rapidly getting better #drone #hunting #archery #wow
Father and son prepper
less than 5 hours altogether practice but is rapidly getting better #drone #hunting #archery #wow
scope done for the smk 3 more guns to do for utube friends
Father and son prepper
scope done for the smk 3 more guns to do for utube friends
smk. 177 first time commo #airrifle
Father and son prepper
smk. 177 first time commo #airrifle
Angloarms panther 175 lb #crossbow #archery
Father and son prepper
Angloarms panther 175 lb #crossbow #archery
Compound bow: 60 pound drawback #bowhunting #archery  #outdoors
Father and son prepper
Compound bow: 60 pound drawback #bowhunting #archery #outdoors
me and the son ready for whatever comes
Father and son prepper
me and the son ready for whatever comes
2 new bearded silky chickens hatched hopefully 10 to go update soon
Father and son prepper
2 new bearded silky chickens hatched hopefully 10 to go update soon
locusts don't stand a chance when rango the panther chamilian is on the hunt #reptile #panther
Father and son prepper
locusts don't stand a chance when rango the panther chamilian is on the hunt #reptile #panther
giant locust sworm billions of adults 400 tons
Father and son prepper
giant locust sworm billions of adults 400 tons
millions of locusts rango would be so happy lol
Father and son prepper
millions of locusts rango would be so happy lol
rango the panther chamilian having his breakfast #reptile #panther #lizard
Father and son prepper
rango the panther chamilian having his breakfast #reptile #panther #lizard
New shipment of locusts for rango the chamelian
Father and son prepper
New shipment of locusts for rango the chamelian
New large fan to keep the animals and reptiles cool for the heat wave in uk
Father and son prepper
New large fan to keep the animals and reptiles cool for the heat wave in uk
rango the panther chamilian showing off  his hunting skills sub for more
Father and son prepper
rango the panther chamilian showing off his hunting skills sub for more
rango the panther chamilian looking bright this morning his gf be here soon #reptile #panther
Father and son prepper
rango the panther chamilian looking bright this morning his gf be here soon #reptile #panther
omg rango this chamilian is just crazy loves to hang about
Father and son prepper
omg rango this chamilian is just crazy loves to hang about
rango the panther chamilian just waking up girlfriend arrives soon sub for updates
Father and son prepper
rango the panther chamilian just waking up girlfriend arrives soon sub for updates
rango the chamelian angry at the dog lol
Father and son prepper
rango the chamelian angry at the dog lol
rango the chamelian enjoying his fogger
Father and son prepper
rango the chamelian enjoying his fogger
rango will do anything for a locust lol please sub to see rangos girlfriend coming soon
Father and son prepper
rango will do anything for a locust lol please sub to see rangos girlfriend coming soon
to my troll rango needs to eat too its natural not inhumane
Father and son prepper
to my troll rango needs to eat too its natural not inhumane
rango in full hunt mode but he knows ime watching he loves the camera
Father and son prepper
rango in full hunt mode but he knows ime watching he loves the camera
rango all awake on the hunt locusts don't stand a chance
Father and son prepper
rango all awake on the hunt locusts don't stand a chance
rango is getting great at the hand feeding he loves his locust on a morning
Father and son prepper
rango is getting great at the hand feeding he loves his locust on a morning
rango playing peekaboo until his breakfast is ready 😋
Father and son prepper
rango playing peekaboo until his breakfast is ready 😋
can you find rango he's gone to sleep hard day eating locusts
Father and son prepper
can you find rango he's gone to sleep hard day eating locusts
rango decided to get the other locust first lol
Father and son prepper
rango decided to get the other locust first lol
rango hand feeding big locust
Father and son prepper
rango hand feeding big locust
early wake up for rango wanting his breakfast
Father and son prepper
early wake up for rango wanting his breakfast
rango the panther chamilian  just waking up in a bad mood lol
Father and son prepper
rango the panther chamilian just waking up in a bad mood lol
panther chamilian male rango  shedding great
Father and son prepper
panther chamilian male rango shedding great
New chamilian panther male setup
Father and son prepper
New chamilian panther male setup
young rock kribensis  and young polar blue parrott fish
Father and son prepper
young rock kribensis and young polar blue parrott fish
mud turtle looking for food  he's a terror not nice at all
Father and son prepper
mud turtle looking for food he's a terror not nice at all
polor parrot fish  babies getting bigger new homes soon
Father and son prepper
polor parrot fish babies getting bigger new homes soon
polor parrott fish and rock kribensis getting on nice sub and like need 200 more subs thanks all
Father and son prepper
polor parrott fish and rock kribensis getting on nice sub and like need 200 more subs thanks all
New addition panther chamilian been a while but ime back
Father and son prepper
New addition panther chamilian been a while but ime back
my huge bully always has something on her head thinks we can't see her watching us eat breakfast ha
Father and son prepper
my huge bully always has something on her head thinks we can't see her watching us eat breakfast ha
frozen tea towels keep your dogs cool in this heat be safe all sub like  appreciated
Father and son prepper
frozen tea towels keep your dogs cool in this heat be safe all sub like appreciated
woke up this morning to around 1000 royal blue kamfa flowerhorn eggs updates soon sub and like 👍 👌
Father and son prepper
woke up this morning to around 1000 royal blue kamfa flowerhorn eggs updates soon sub and like 👍 👌
4 new green baby severums in the grow out tank weekly updates on growth health ect
Father and son prepper
4 new green baby severums in the grow out tank weekly updates on growth health ect
this bulldog is round the twist always wanting things on her head lol sub and like appreciated
Father and son prepper
this bulldog is round the twist always wanting things on her head lol sub and like appreciated
giant apple snails dropped there eggs in the water severum and rock kribensis happy update tomorrow
Father and son prepper
giant apple snails dropped there eggs in the water severum and rock kribensis happy update tomorrow
baby retic python growing every week weekly updates sub for updates
Father and son prepper
baby retic python growing every week weekly updates sub for updates
giant apple snails keeping tank clean and getting rid of smaller snails weekly updates
Father and son prepper
giant apple snails keeping tank clean and getting rid of smaller snails weekly updates
baby green severums into grow out tank weekly updates on growth rate And general health
Father and son prepper
baby green severums into grow out tank weekly updates on growth rate And general health
polor blue parrott fish babies and rare rock kribensis babies growing out and looking amazing
Father and son prepper
polor blue parrott fish babies and rare rock kribensis babies growing out and looking amazing
clide the green iguana growing nice having his dinner going into huge room soon all done amazing
Father and son prepper
clide the green iguana growing nice having his dinner going into huge room soon all done amazing
look into the eye of 1 hungry reticulated python isn't he beautiful feeding vid up soon
Father and son prepper
look into the eye of 1 hungry reticulated python isn't he beautiful feeding vid up soon
sunfire reticulated python waiting for his dinner vid up later of feeding a nice chicken 🐔
Father and son prepper
sunfire reticulated python waiting for his dinner vid up later of feeding a nice chicken 🐔
baby reticulated python ready for his chicken today feeding vid later this boy likes a strike
Father and son prepper
baby reticulated python ready for his chicken today feeding vid later this boy likes a strike
young male royal blue kamfa malu flowerhorn coming on amazing girlfriend coming soon
Father and son prepper
young male royal blue kamfa malu flowerhorn coming on amazing girlfriend coming soon
python not happy baby reticulated python
Father and son prepper
python not happy baby reticulated python
sunfire reticulated python ready for a chick
Father and son prepper
sunfire reticulated python ready for a chick
baby retic python feeding on 🐔 growing nice wild type retic
Father and son prepper
baby retic python feeding on 🐔 growing nice wild type retic
baby fish grow out tank bit cloudy new gravel
Father and son prepper
baby fish grow out tank bit cloudy new gravel
Corey catfish eggs she's just started laying sub and like to see how it all turns out
Father and son prepper
Corey catfish eggs she's just started laying sub and like to see how it all turns out
look at my baby kamfa malu royal blue flowerhorn he's doing amazing his cock growing great 👍
Father and son prepper
look at my baby kamfa malu royal blue flowerhorn he's doing amazing his cock growing great 👍
baby bristlenoses growing quick giving some to subscriber she's over the moon please sub and 👍 👌
Father and son prepper
baby bristlenoses growing quick giving some to subscriber she's over the moon please sub and 👍 👌
big girl just woke up american bulldog bitch sasha please like and sub thankyou all who do 💯
Father and son prepper
big girl just woke up american bulldog bitch sasha please like and sub thankyou all who do 💯
old boys had a hard night he's still fighting strong for now. please like and sub
Father and son prepper
old boys had a hard night he's still fighting strong for now. please like and sub
the fish I can never get a close up shot with huge ghost knife fish 🐟 😒 like and sub help my channel
Father and son prepper
the fish I can never get a close up shot with huge ghost knife fish 🐟 😒 like and sub help my channel
my baby royal blue male flowerhorn kamfa malu look how he's growing wow sub and like thankyou all
Father and son prepper
my baby royal blue male flowerhorn kamfa malu look how he's growing wow sub and like thankyou all
had to be filmed from distance he is a very shy fish please like and sub appreciated
Father and son prepper
had to be filmed from distance he is a very shy fish please like and sub appreciated
New baby fish grow out tank african chiclids new severum tank setup soon with some monster fish 🐟 👌
Father and son prepper
New baby fish grow out tank african chiclids new severum tank setup soon with some monster fish 🐟 👌
ob peacock breeding group and polor blue parrott fish babies and Corey catfish trio in the new tank
Father and son prepper
ob peacock breeding group and polor blue parrott fish babies and Corey catfish trio in the new tank
New tank baby blue parrot fish ob peacock group if you like sub thankyou all to subs new and old 💯 ❤
Father and son prepper
New tank baby blue parrot fish ob peacock group if you like sub thankyou all to subs new and old 💯 ❤
fight catfish v plecco if you like sub thankyou all who do
Father and son prepper
fight catfish v plecco if you like sub thankyou all who do
babies getting so big now if you like sub thankyou
Father and son prepper
babies getting so big now if you like sub thankyou
baby Corey catfish getting so big now if you like sub thankyou to all
Father and son prepper
baby Corey catfish getting so big now if you like sub thankyou to all
baby bristlenose loads of them ready for new tank if you like sub thankyou ☺ and thx to all subs
Father and son prepper
baby bristlenose loads of them ready for new tank if you like sub thankyou ☺ and thx to all subs
old boy won't get out of bed please sub and like appreciated
Father and son prepper
old boy won't get out of bed please sub and like appreciated
huge plecco waiting for dinner and a new tank soon predator tank monster tank for monster fish 🐟
Father and son prepper
huge plecco waiting for dinner and a new tank soon predator tank monster tank for monster fish 🐟
some dinner defrosting for the owl and snake 🐍
Father and son prepper
some dinner defrosting for the owl and snake 🐍
a couple of my reptiles and a new 20foot reticulated python coming soon don't miss it
Father and son prepper
a couple of my reptiles and a new 20foot reticulated python coming soon don't miss it
monster tank getting a huge upgrade sub and like appreciated
Father and son prepper
monster tank getting a huge upgrade sub and like appreciated
large ghost knife fish he never comes out so hard to get a decent short vid coming soon sub thx
Father and son prepper
large ghost knife fish he never comes out so hard to get a decent short vid coming soon sub thx
royal blue kamfa malu flowerhorn and the monster ghost knife fish please sub and like appreciated
Father and son prepper
royal blue kamfa malu flowerhorn and the monster ghost knife fish please sub and like appreciated
old boy has finally woke up love this pup so much miss him when he's gone please subscribe and like
Father and son prepper
old boy has finally woke up love this pup so much miss him when he's gone please subscribe and like
old boy still fast asleep dreaming about girl dogs I guess please sub  and like appreciated
Father and son prepper
old boy still fast asleep dreaming about girl dogs I guess please sub and like appreciated
my xl bully bitch got a bad belly bless her please sub and like appreciated
Father and son prepper
my xl bully bitch got a bad belly bless her please sub and like appreciated
Kenneth the puffer fish fahaka puffer waiting for snails 🐌 please sub and like appreciated
Father and son prepper
Kenneth the puffer fish fahaka puffer waiting for snails 🐌 please sub and like appreciated
old boy has woken up lazy he is grumpy today please like and sub appreciated
Father and son prepper
old boy has woken up lazy he is grumpy today please like and sub appreciated
royal blue flowerhorn from Thailand please sub and like appreciated
Father and son prepper
royal blue flowerhorn from Thailand please sub and like appreciated
New fish added today for the wife please sub and like appreciated
Father and son prepper
New fish added today for the wife please sub and like appreciated
baby reticulated python waiting for dinner loves his food please like and sub appreciated
Father and son prepper
baby reticulated python waiting for dinner loves his food please like and sub appreciated
monster bullsnake shedding amazing change in colour please sub and like appreciated
Father and son prepper
monster bullsnake shedding amazing change in colour please sub and like appreciated
my big tiger reticulated python not in a good mood today 😕 please subscribe and like appreciated
Father and son prepper
my big tiger reticulated python not in a good mood today 😕 please subscribe and like appreciated
my baby iguana getting so big meet clide please sub and like appreciated
Father and son prepper
my baby iguana getting so big meet clide please sub and like appreciated
the devil snake shedding great please subscribe and like appreciated
Father and son prepper
the devil snake shedding great please subscribe and like appreciated
royal blue kamfa malu flowerhorns pair settling in nice please sub to see them grow
Father and son prepper
royal blue kamfa malu flowerhorns pair settling in nice please sub to see them grow
me and the son got a bonsai tree growing kit each who will be better please sub and like thanks
Father and son prepper
me and the son got a bonsai tree growing kit each who will be better please sub and like thanks
the old boy being lazy dosnt want a walk please sub and like appreciated
Father and son prepper
the old boy being lazy dosnt want a walk please sub and like appreciated
beautiful pair of royal blue flowerhorn can't wait to see them all grown up and babies sub and like
Father and son prepper
beautiful pair of royal blue flowerhorn can't wait to see them all grown up and babies sub and like