Young people are getting married a lot later... why?
Truth Over Tribe
Young people are getting married a lot later... why?
Wait, Christians can vote like that??
Truth Over Tribe
Wait, Christians can vote like that??
Should Christians Be Politicians?
Truth Over Tribe
Should Christians Be Politicians?
Should Sports Be Political? with Jason Romano
Truth Over Tribe
Should Sports Be Political? with Jason Romano
This will finally make sense of modern America... with Joshua Ryan Butler
Truth Over Tribe
This will finally make sense of modern America... with Joshua Ryan Butler
Is it sinful to pledge allegiance to the flag?
Truth Over Tribe
Is it sinful to pledge allegiance to the flag?
It's time to start building...
Truth Over Tribe
It's time to start building...
Have we just given up on important theological conversations in favor of political debates?
Truth Over Tribe
Have we just given up on important theological conversations in favor of political debates?
What informs your vote more?
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What informs your vote more?
Are Christians thinking about the abortion issue all wrong?
Truth Over Tribe
Are Christians thinking about the abortion issue all wrong?
Is there a place for politics in the pulpit? Or should pastors stick to preaching the Bible?
Truth Over Tribe
Is there a place for politics in the pulpit? Or should pastors stick to preaching the Bible?
What happened to Russell Moore?
Truth Over Tribe
What happened to Russell Moore?
Did Russell Moore Change? With Russell Moore
Truth Over Tribe
Did Russell Moore Change? With Russell Moore
When did these become controversial???
Truth Over Tribe
When did these become controversial???
Have we done a disservice to young Christians by villainizing everyone who sees things different?
Truth Over Tribe
Have we done a disservice to young Christians by villainizing everyone who sees things different?
There is actually a good reason to give your life to Jesus.
Truth Over Tribe
There is actually a good reason to give your life to Jesus.
Is "because it's the right thing to do" the only reason to help the poor?
Truth Over Tribe
Is "because it's the right thing to do" the only reason to help the poor?
Is there any incentive to know the Bible?
Truth Over Tribe
Is there any incentive to know the Bible?
Look What You Made Me Do (because the incentive structures were set up that way)
Truth Over Tribe
Look What You Made Me Do (because the incentive structures were set up that way)
The One Where Patrick's Twitter Debate Ended Up In A Book
Truth Over Tribe
The One Where Patrick's Twitter Debate Ended Up In A Book
Living together before marriage destabilizes relationships.
Truth Over Tribe
Living together before marriage destabilizes relationships.
You can lay the groundwork for a godly and healthy view of s*x for your children.
Truth Over Tribe
You can lay the groundwork for a godly and healthy view of s*x for your children.
How cohabitation ruins your relationships
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How cohabitation ruins your relationships
How would you answer this? 👇
Truth Over Tribe
How would you answer this? 👇
Is there a place for God in your sexuality?
Truth Over Tribe
Is there a place for God in your sexuality?
If faith is so important for people, why's it rarely talked about in big media's opinion sections?
Truth Over Tribe
If faith is so important for people, why's it rarely talked about in big media's opinion sections?
Maybe you have complicated feelings too. How would you answer these two questions?
Truth Over Tribe
Maybe you have complicated feelings too. How would you answer these two questions?
Has evangelical's support for Trump undermined the good that evangelicals do?
Truth Over Tribe
Has evangelical's support for Trump undermined the good that evangelicals do?
Tag someone who votes differently than you but you love them ♥️👇
Truth Over Tribe
Tag someone who votes differently than you but you love them ♥️👇
Develop A Rule Of Life | with Justin Whitmel Earley
Truth Over Tribe
Develop A Rule Of Life | with Justin Whitmel Earley
Wise words from Tim Keller 🙏
Truth Over Tribe
Wise words from Tim Keller 🙏
Do you still call yourself an evangelical? Why or why not?
Truth Over Tribe
Do you still call yourself an evangelical? Why or why not?
Embracing Amazing Grace with Philip Yancey | Where The Light Fell
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Embracing Amazing Grace with Philip Yancey | Where The Light Fell
What caused Philip Yancey to deconstruct his faith before people were calling it deconstruction?
Truth Over Tribe
What caused Philip Yancey to deconstruct his faith before people were calling it deconstruction?
Maybe we shouldn’t be worried about hanging around these kinds of people either.
Truth Over Tribe
Maybe we shouldn’t be worried about hanging around these kinds of people either.
We FINALLY answer the question once and for all!
Truth Over Tribe
We FINALLY answer the question once and for all!
Discovering the Secrets of Apocalyptic Literature with Dr. Scot McKnight
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Discovering the Secrets of Apocalyptic Literature with Dr. Scot McKnight
We FINALLY answer the question once and for all!
Truth Over Tribe
We FINALLY answer the question once and for all!
Yikes. Do you have any rapture stories like this?
Truth Over Tribe
Yikes. Do you have any rapture stories like this?
Yikes. Do you have any rapture stories like this?
Truth Over Tribe
Yikes. Do you have any rapture stories like this?
What did YOU think Revelation was about? 🤔
Truth Over Tribe
What did YOU think Revelation was about? 🤔
What did YOU think Revelation was about? 🤔
Truth Over Tribe
What did YOU think Revelation was about? 🤔
We need to have more careful engagement with the Bible beyond “literal vs. serious” interpretations.
Truth Over Tribe
We need to have more careful engagement with the Bible beyond “literal vs. serious” interpretations.
Have you ever thought about this perspective when it comes to Christians doing politics?
Truth Over Tribe
Have you ever thought about this perspective when it comes to Christians doing politics?
How Politicians (Mis)Use The Bible | with Kaitlyn Schiess, The Ballot and The Bible
Truth Over Tribe
How Politicians (Mis)Use The Bible | with Kaitlyn Schiess, The Ballot and The Bible
It’d be good to exercise more discernment when politicians drop Bible verses in their speeches.
Truth Over Tribe
It’d be good to exercise more discernment when politicians drop Bible verses in their speeches.
What did Scheiss learn while a student at Liberty University?
Truth Over Tribe
What did Scheiss learn while a student at Liberty University?
What you think about history will effect what you think about everything else.
Truth Over Tribe
What you think about history will effect what you think about everything else.
Americans are WEIRDER than the rest of the world
Truth Over Tribe
Americans are WEIRDER than the rest of the world
Should we care more about history? Why? Or why not?
Truth Over Tribe
Should we care more about history? Why? Or why not?
Is 1776 the most consequential year in history? A lot happened that year.
Truth Over Tribe
Is 1776 the most consequential year in history? A lot happened that year.
What do you think Post-Christian means? Let's talk about it in the comments 👇
Truth Over Tribe
What do you think Post-Christian means? Let's talk about it in the comments 👇
The table is big enough for everyone who comes to the feast!
Truth Over Tribe
The table is big enough for everyone who comes to the feast!
Maybe our conversations about racial justice have been too simplistic.
Truth Over Tribe
Maybe our conversations about racial justice have been too simplistic.
Exploring Ethnicity and Identity: Eli Bonilla's Story of Growing Up Mixed
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Exploring Ethnicity and Identity: Eli Bonilla's Story of Growing Up Mixed
Growing up both black and Latino created many confusing moments for Eli Bonilla.
Truth Over Tribe
Growing up both black and Latino created many confusing moments for Eli Bonilla.
If you’re mixed race, does this sound close to your experience?
Truth Over Tribe
If you’re mixed race, does this sound close to your experience?
Most pro-life bills have exceptions written into them. Should they?
Truth Over Tribe
Most pro-life bills have exceptions written into them. Should they?
Abortion Abolitionism vs. Pro-Life: What’s The Difference? | with Bradley Pierce
Truth Over Tribe
Abortion Abolitionism vs. Pro-Life: What’s The Difference? | with Bradley Pierce
Keith has always thought more in terms of incrementalism. Do you think he is right or wrong?
Truth Over Tribe
Keith has always thought more in terms of incrementalism. Do you think he is right or wrong?
Which is more important: logical consistency or tangible results?
Truth Over Tribe
Which is more important: logical consistency or tangible results?
Understanding Culture through the Biblical Narrative | Interview with Christopher Watkin
Truth Over Tribe
Understanding Culture through the Biblical Narrative | Interview with Christopher Watkin
Christianity transcends, fulfills, and redeems our human cultures.
Truth Over Tribe
Christianity transcends, fulfills, and redeems our human cultures.
Some talk about worldviews, others talk about habits, but both of them miss something important
Truth Over Tribe
Some talk about worldviews, others talk about habits, but both of them miss something important
If we don’t understand this, we’ll work off different categories & come to different conclusions.
Truth Over Tribe
If we don’t understand this, we’ll work off different categories & come to different conclusions.
How can Christians engage in civil government without being Christian Nationalists?
Truth Over Tribe
How can Christians engage in civil government without being Christian Nationalists?
Understanding Christian Nationalism | with Andrew Whitehead
Truth Over Tribe
Understanding Christian Nationalism | with Andrew Whitehead
January 6th stunned everyone. Seeing the Christian imagery with it was shocking.
Truth Over Tribe
January 6th stunned everyone. Seeing the Christian imagery with it was shocking.
One of the most important questions we can ask in our day and age is: what is s*x for?
Truth Over Tribe
One of the most important questions we can ask in our day and age is: what is s*x for?
Gen Z wants… tradition? | Redeemed Zoomer, @redeemedzoomer6053
Truth Over Tribe
Gen Z wants… tradition? | Redeemed Zoomer, @redeemedzoomer6053
Challenging Misconceptions About Sex | With Christine Emba
Truth Over Tribe
Challenging Misconceptions About Sex | With Christine Emba
Men and women are different from each other and equal in value. This isn't controversial!
Truth Over Tribe
Men and women are different from each other and equal in value. This isn't controversial!
We're doing way more harm than good when we devalue s*x.
Truth Over Tribe
We're doing way more harm than good when we devalue s*x.
Have you ever taken an enneagram test? What was your result? Did you feel like it was accurate?
Truth Over Tribe
Have you ever taken an enneagram test? What was your result? Did you feel like it was accurate?
Do we rely on the enneagram too much or not enough?
Truth Over Tribe
Do we rely on the enneagram too much or not enough?
The Enneagram and Individualism with Jessue Eubanks
Truth Over Tribe
The Enneagram and Individualism with Jessue Eubanks
Should Christians use things like the Enneagram that don't have Christian origins?
Truth Over Tribe
Should Christians use things like the Enneagram that don't have Christian origins?
Israel and Dispensationalism: What You Need To Know
Truth Over Tribe
Israel and Dispensationalism: What You Need To Know
Is this something you believe? Do you know people who believe this?
Truth Over Tribe
Is this something you believe? Do you know people who believe this?
Men’s role in the home used to be very different than it is today.
Truth Over Tribe
Men’s role in the home used to be very different than it is today.
When you dig into the data, committed Christian men seem to be better husbands and fathers.
Truth Over Tribe
When you dig into the data, committed Christian men seem to be better husbands and fathers.
Men are not doing well right now. We need to have this conversation.
Truth Over Tribe
Men are not doing well right now. We need to have this conversation.
The Great Dechurching: Why People Are Leaving the Church
Truth Over Tribe
The Great Dechurching: Why People Are Leaving the Church
Believe it or not, church hurt is *not* the #1 reason people are leaving the church.
Truth Over Tribe
Believe it or not, church hurt is *not* the #1 reason people are leaving the church.
Who are Exvangelicals? Probably not who you think they are!
Truth Over Tribe
Who are Exvangelicals? Probably not who you think they are!
Even Christians can look at the same thing and disagree about it.
Truth Over Tribe
Even Christians can look at the same thing and disagree about it.
Coco Gauff Wasn't Soaking It All In
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Coco Gauff Wasn't Soaking It All In
We've switched what's most important from the outer self to our inner self.
Truth Over Tribe
We've switched what's most important from the outer self to our inner self.
Our culture can't even recognize faith when it sees it anymore.
Truth Over Tribe
Our culture can't even recognize faith when it sees it anymore.
What is the proper place for faith in society?
Truth Over Tribe
What is the proper place for faith in society?
If you've ever worshipped to contemporary music, you have Lonnie Frisbee to thank.
Truth Over Tribe
If you've ever worshipped to contemporary music, you have Lonnie Frisbee to thank.
How would you handle this situation? Would you trust this guy with your church?
Truth Over Tribe
How would you handle this situation? Would you trust this guy with your church?
The Fascinating Story of Lonnie Frisbee and The Jesus Movement
Truth Over Tribe
The Fascinating Story of Lonnie Frisbee and The Jesus Movement
We forget that our churches haven't always been this way.
Truth Over Tribe
We forget that our churches haven't always been this way.
Did you see The Jesus Revolution? What did you think?
Truth Over Tribe
Did you see The Jesus Revolution? What did you think?
It's time for Christians to start caring for the world God has entrusted to us.
Truth Over Tribe
It's time for Christians to start caring for the world God has entrusted to us.
You are called to rule the world.
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You are called to rule the world.
Humanity is meant to rule the world the way a gardener cares for their garden.
Truth Over Tribe
Humanity is meant to rule the world the way a gardener cares for their garden.
Why hasn't the church cared about environmental issues? 🌳
Truth Over Tribe
Why hasn't the church cared about environmental issues? 🌳
What do you think of this? Is that right?
Truth Over Tribe
What do you think of this? Is that right?