Posterior Fossa malformations | Neurology and Radiology of Posterior Fossa malformations
Animated biology With arpan
Posterior Fossa malformations | Neurology and Radiology of Posterior Fossa malformations
Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) | Guillain-Barré Syndrome Explained: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
Animated biology With arpan
Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) | Guillain-Barré Syndrome Explained: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
Glioblastoma | Cause of Glioblastoma | Molecular subtypes of glioblastoma | Treatment
Animated biology With arpan
Glioblastoma | Cause of Glioblastoma | Molecular subtypes of glioblastoma | Treatment
Warburg effect | What is the Warburg effect ? | Why Warburg effect is important for cancer cells?
Animated biology With arpan
Warburg effect | What is the Warburg effect ? | Why Warburg effect is important for cancer cells?
Immune checkpoint blockers | How checkpoint blockers work?  cancer therapy
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Immune checkpoint blockers | How checkpoint blockers work? cancer therapy
Histamine and histamine antagonists | How antihistamines work? | USMLE step 1
Animated biology With arpan
Histamine and histamine antagonists | How antihistamines work? | USMLE step 1
Types of ATP powered pumps | ATPases explained in 1 minute
Animated biology With arpan
Types of ATP powered pumps | ATPases explained in 1 minute
protein translocation into ER | co-tranlational tranlocation of protein into ER | 1 minute cell bio
Animated biology With arpan
protein translocation into ER | co-tranlational tranlocation of protein into ER | 1 minute cell bio
Hi-C | chromosome conformation capture | 3D chromatin architecture
Animated biology With arpan
Hi-C | chromosome conformation capture | 3D chromatin architecture
Cyclin and CDK explained in 1 minute | 1 minute cell bio
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Cyclin and CDK explained in 1 minute | 1 minute cell bio
Protein trafficking in the lysosome | Vesicular trafficking | cell bio in 1 minute
Animated biology With arpan
Protein trafficking in the lysosome | Vesicular trafficking | cell bio in 1 minute
How Na+ K+ ATPase works? Sodium potassium ion exchange pump explained in 1 minute
Animated biology With arpan
How Na+ K+ ATPase works? Sodium potassium ion exchange pump explained in 1 minute
VSVGfp to visualize vesicular transport | vesicular transport | cell bio in 1 minute
Animated biology With arpan
VSVGfp to visualize vesicular transport | vesicular transport | cell bio in 1 minute
Stem cell fate choice | Extrinsic and intrinsic signals driving stem cell fate choice
Animated biology With arpan
Stem cell fate choice | Extrinsic and intrinsic signals driving stem cell fate choice
Microscope resolution explained in 1 minute
Animated biology With arpan
Microscope resolution explained in 1 minute
Nuclear localization signal | NLS | cell bio in 1 minute
Animated biology With arpan
Nuclear localization signal | NLS | cell bio in 1 minute
ABC transport | ATP binding cassette | cell bio in 1 minute
Animated biology With arpan
ABC transport | ATP binding cassette | cell bio in 1 minute
SNARE complexes and vesicle fusion | Cell bio in 1 minutes
Animated biology With arpan
SNARE complexes and vesicle fusion | Cell bio in 1 minutes
Epimorphosis | Limb regeneration in salamander
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Epimorphosis | Limb regeneration in salamander
Types of membrane transport protein | membrane transporters and channels | cell bio in 1 minute
Animated biology With arpan
Types of membrane transport protein | membrane transporters and channels | cell bio in 1 minute
Types of coated vesicles in intracellular transport | COP II , COP I and Clathrin coated vesicles
Animated biology With arpan
Types of coated vesicles in intracellular transport | COP II , COP I and Clathrin coated vesicles
MALDI TOF and its application in biomedical research.
Animated biology With arpan
MALDI TOF and its application in biomedical research.
Phase contrast microscopy explained in 1 minute
Animated biology With arpan
Phase contrast microscopy explained in 1 minute
cGMP as a second messenger | Cell signaling playlist
Animated biology With arpan
cGMP as a second messenger | Cell signaling playlist
Fluorescence Insitu Hybridization explained in 1 minute | Biotechniques playlist
Animated biology With arpan
Fluorescence Insitu Hybridization explained in 1 minute | Biotechniques playlist
TGF beta signaling pathway explained in 1 minutes
Animated biology With arpan
TGF beta signaling pathway explained in 1 minutes
Transmission Electron Microscopy  (TEM)  explained in 1 minutes | Techniques in biology playlist
Animated biology With arpan
Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) explained in 1 minutes | Techniques in biology playlist
Phase contrast microscopy | Working principle of phase contrast microscope
Animated biology With arpan
Phase contrast microscopy | Working principle of phase contrast microscope
Resolving power of a microscope | Point spread function | Airy disc patterns
Animated biology With arpan
Resolving power of a microscope | Point spread function | Airy disc patterns
What is miRNA?  Nobel prize in Medicine 2024 #animated_biology #chemistry #biologism
Animated biology With arpan
What is miRNA? Nobel prize in Medicine 2024 #animated_biology #chemistry #biologism
Cell fractionation explained in 1 minutes | Cell bio in 1 minute series
Animated biology With arpan
Cell fractionation explained in 1 minutes | Cell bio in 1 minute series
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) | Working Principles and application of SEM in biology
Animated biology With arpan
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) | Working Principles and application of SEM in biology
Ubiquitin Proteasome pathway explained in 1 minute
Animated biology With arpan
Ubiquitin Proteasome pathway explained in 1 minute
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) | Principles and application of TEM | limitations of TEM
Animated biology With arpan
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) | Principles and application of TEM | limitations of TEM
Ultracentrifugation | Preparative and Analytical Ultracentrifugation | Biotechniques playlist
Animated biology With arpan
Ultracentrifugation | Preparative and Analytical Ultracentrifugation | Biotechniques playlist
Nuclear Localization Signal (NLS) | Transport of nuclear protein in the nucleus | Nuclear import
Animated biology With arpan
Nuclear Localization Signal (NLS) | Transport of nuclear protein in the nucleus | Nuclear import
Cell fractionation | What is the objective of cell fractionation? |application of cell fractionation
Animated biology With arpan
Cell fractionation | What is the objective of cell fractionation? |application of cell fractionation
cGMP as a second messenger | the NO cGMP pathway | cGMP and phototransduction
Animated biology With arpan
cGMP as a second messenger | the NO cGMP pathway | cGMP and phototransduction
cAMP as second messenger | cAMP pathway | How cAMP acts like a second messenger ?
Animated biology With arpan
cAMP as second messenger | cAMP pathway | How cAMP acts like a second messenger ?
Histone methylation | Histone modification | Gene expression regulation
Animated biology With arpan
Histone methylation | Histone modification | Gene expression regulation
Nuclear import and export | Nuclear Pore complex | How proteins are moved in or out the nucleus?
Animated biology With arpan
Nuclear import and export | Nuclear Pore complex | How proteins are moved in or out the nucleus?
Rab proteins in vesiclular trafficking | Rab GTP and membrane trafficking | Cell bio lecture
Animated biology With arpan
Rab proteins in vesiclular trafficking | Rab GTP and membrane trafficking | Cell bio lecture
The ubiquitin-proteasome mediated protein degradation pathway | Ubiquitin ligase | Proteasome
Animated biology With arpan
The ubiquitin-proteasome mediated protein degradation pathway | Ubiquitin ligase | Proteasome
Hydropathy plot | How to interpret Hydropathy plot? Transmembrane protein | Cell biology
Animated biology With arpan
Hydropathy plot | How to interpret Hydropathy plot? Transmembrane protein | Cell biology
Marfan Syndrome | Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, Management | USMLE STEP1
Animated biology With arpan
Marfan Syndrome | Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, Management | USMLE STEP1
TGF-Beta signaling pathway | Cell cycle and TGF beta pathway | TGF beta pathway in cancer
Animated biology With arpan
TGF-Beta signaling pathway | Cell cycle and TGF beta pathway | TGF beta pathway in cancer
Types of collagen and their distribution | Collagen and disorders | USMLE step 1
Animated biology With arpan
Types of collagen and their distribution | Collagen and disorders | USMLE step 1
SNARE complex and Vesicle fusion | Vesicle trafficking and fusion | Synaptic vesicle fusion & SNARE
Animated biology With arpan
SNARE complex and Vesicle fusion | Vesicle trafficking and fusion | Synaptic vesicle fusion & SNARE
Protein transport to Lysosome | M6P tagged protein transport | Vesicular trafficking
Animated biology With arpan
Protein transport to Lysosome | M6P tagged protein transport | Vesicular trafficking
Vesicular transport (detailed concept) | CCOP I , COPII and  Clathrin coated vesicles | Cell biology
Animated biology With arpan
Vesicular transport (detailed concept) | CCOP I , COPII and Clathrin coated vesicles | Cell biology
Techniques for Studying the Secretory Pathway | VSVG GFP localization | vesicular trafficking
Animated biology With arpan
Techniques for Studying the Secretory Pathway | VSVG GFP localization | vesicular trafficking
Protein translocation to ER | Cotranslational translocation to ER
Animated biology With arpan
Protein translocation to ER | Cotranslational translocation to ER
Ionophores | Carrier Ionophores | Channel-forming Ionophores | Biological significance of ionophores
Animated biology With arpan
Ionophores | Carrier Ionophores | Channel-forming Ionophores | Biological significance of ionophores
ABC transporter |  ATP binding cassette | ABC transporters in cancer | Multi drug resistance pumps
Animated biology With arpan
ABC transporter | ATP binding cassette | ABC transporters in cancer | Multi drug resistance pumps
Secondary active transport | Primary vs secondary active transport | Transport across membrane
Animated biology With arpan
Secondary active transport | Primary vs secondary active transport | Transport across membrane
ATP powered pumps | P type ATPase | V & F type ATPase | ABC transporter
Animated biology With arpan
ATP powered pumps | P type ATPase | V & F type ATPase | ABC transporter
Transport proteins in the plasma membrane |Membrane transport| Channels, carriers & ATP driven pumps
Animated biology With arpan
Transport proteins in the plasma membrane |Membrane transport| Channels, carriers & ATP driven pumps
Na+ - K+ ATPase | How sodium potassium ATPase works? | Function of Na+ - K+ ATPase
Animated biology With arpan
Na+ - K+ ATPase | How sodium potassium ATPase works? | Function of Na+ - K+ ATPase
Chicken Pox vs Small Pox | Variola vs varicella virus
Animated biology With arpan
Chicken Pox vs Small Pox | Variola vs varicella virus
Class I MHC processing | Major histocompatibility complex I | MHC I vs MHC II processing.
Animated biology With arpan
Class I MHC processing | Major histocompatibility complex I | MHC I vs MHC II processing.
Class I and Class II MHC processing pathway | How MHC I and II are displayed on cell surface?
Animated biology With arpan
Class I and Class II MHC processing pathway | How MHC I and II are displayed on cell surface?
Small Pox | Variola virus | Small pox vs chicken pox | Virology
Animated biology With arpan
Small Pox | Variola virus | Small pox vs chicken pox | Virology
Replication of ds DNA and ssRNA virus | Virus replication cycle | Virology
Animated biology With arpan
Replication of ds DNA and ssRNA virus | Virus replication cycle | Virology
Purine Salvage Defects | Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome | Adenosine deaminase (ADA) deficiency
Animated biology With arpan
Purine Salvage Defects | Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome | Adenosine deaminase (ADA) deficiency
Vibrio cholerae | pathogenies | How does cholera toxin work? | Diagnosis and treatment  | USMLE
Animated biology With arpan
Vibrio cholerae | pathogenies | How does cholera toxin work? | Diagnosis and treatment | USMLE
Rhino virus | viral Rhinitis | Rhino virus infection | common cold | treatment
Animated biology With arpan
Rhino virus | viral Rhinitis | Rhino virus infection | common cold | treatment
Influenza virus | Influenza pathology, infection, diagnosis and treatment | USMLE step 1
Animated biology With arpan
Influenza virus | Influenza pathology, infection, diagnosis and treatment | USMLE step 1
Cytotoxic T cells | CD8+ cytotoxic T cells in immunity | viral immunity and CD8+ T cells | USMLE
Animated biology With arpan
Cytotoxic T cells | CD8+ cytotoxic T cells in immunity | viral immunity and CD8+ T cells | USMLE
Rubella | German Measles | Rubella virus | pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of Rubella
Animated biology With arpan
Rubella | German Measles | Rubella virus | pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of Rubella
Mumps | Mumps virus | Pathology, diagnosis and treatment
Animated biology With arpan
Mumps | Mumps virus | Pathology, diagnosis and treatment
Measles virus | What is Measles  infection | Diagnosis and treatment of Measles
Animated biology With arpan
Measles virus | What is Measles infection | Diagnosis and treatment of Measles
Rabies Virus | Hydrophobia  and Rabies virus | viral replication, symptoms and diagnosis of Rabies.
Animated biology With arpan
Rabies Virus | Hydrophobia and Rabies virus | viral replication, symptoms and diagnosis of Rabies.
Varicella Zoster Virus | Chicken pox and Shingles | pathology , diagnosis and treatment
Animated biology With arpan
Varicella Zoster Virus | Chicken pox and Shingles | pathology , diagnosis and treatment
Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) | Viral structure, pathogeneis, diagnosis and treatment of EBV
Animated biology With arpan
Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) | Viral structure, pathogeneis, diagnosis and treatment of EBV
Neisseria meningitidis | Pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment.
Animated biology With arpan
Neisseria meningitidis | Pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment.
Herpes | Herpes simplex virus (HSV) | Infection , pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of HSV
Animated biology With arpan
Herpes | Herpes simplex virus (HSV) | Infection , pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of HSV
Chronic pancreatitis | Acute vs chronic pancreatitis|diagnosis and treatment of Chronic pancreatitis
Animated biology With arpan
Chronic pancreatitis | Acute vs chronic pancreatitis|diagnosis and treatment of Chronic pancreatitis
Cornyebacterium diphtheriae | Diptheria toxin | AB toxin | treatment and diagnosis of diphtheriae
Animated biology With arpan
Cornyebacterium diphtheriae | Diptheria toxin | AB toxin | treatment and diagnosis of diphtheriae
Crohn's disease vs Ulcerative colitis | Pathology | USMLE step 1
Animated biology With arpan
Crohn's disease vs Ulcerative colitis | Pathology | USMLE step 1
Sandwich ElISA | Principle and application of Sandwich ELISA | Techniques in biology
Animated biology With arpan
Sandwich ElISA | Principle and application of Sandwich ELISA | Techniques in biology
Acute Pancreatitis | Pathology and treatment of Acute Pancreatitis | USMLE step 1
Animated biology With arpan
Acute Pancreatitis | Pathology and treatment of Acute Pancreatitis | USMLE step 1
Placenta Previa | Cause , symptoms and treatment of Placenta previa | USMLE step 1
Animated biology With arpan
Placenta Previa | Cause , symptoms and treatment of Placenta previa | USMLE step 1
M1 vs M2 macrophage | Macrophage Subtypes | clinical importance of M1 and M2 macrophage
Animated biology With arpan
M1 vs M2 macrophage | Macrophage Subtypes | clinical importance of M1 and M2 macrophage
Cytokine clinical usage | cytokines as medicine | USMLE step 1
Animated biology With arpan
Cytokine clinical usage | cytokines as medicine | USMLE step 1
Interleukin 2 and its role in Immunity | Basiliximab as IL2R antagonist | IL2 and T cell activation
Animated biology With arpan
Interleukin 2 and its role in Immunity | Basiliximab as IL2R antagonist | IL2 and T cell activation
Acute vs Chronic inflammation | differences between acute and chronic inflammation | USMLE step 1
Animated biology With arpan
Acute vs Chronic inflammation | differences between acute and chronic inflammation | USMLE step 1
TNF alpha inhibitors | TNF alpha | cytokines
Animated biology With arpan
TNF alpha inhibitors | TNF alpha | cytokines
Human Papilloma Virus | HPV infection | HPV diagnosis and treatment
Animated biology With arpan
Human Papilloma Virus | HPV infection | HPV diagnosis and treatment
Acromegaly | Gigantism | Growth hormone dysregulation | USMLE
Animated biology With arpan
Acromegaly | Gigantism | Growth hormone dysregulation | USMLE
Estrogen | Estrogen and its effect on female reproductive system | molecular mechanism of action
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Estrogen | Estrogen and its effect on female reproductive system | molecular mechanism of action
GNRH | Gonadotropin hormone-releasing hormone | GNRH analogues
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GNRH | Gonadotropin hormone-releasing hormone | GNRH analogues
Aldosterone | Mineralocorticoid |  Mechanism of action of Aldosterone | Physiological function
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Aldosterone | Mineralocorticoid | Mechanism of action of Aldosterone | Physiological function
Acute vs chronic gastritis | pathology of gastritis | USMLE step 1
Animated biology With arpan
Acute vs chronic gastritis | pathology of gastritis | USMLE step 1
Pseudomonas aeruginosa | Pathogenesis | identification and treatment
Animated biology With arpan
Pseudomonas aeruginosa | Pathogenesis | identification and treatment
Leukocyte extravasation | Leukocyte adhesion deficiency | Extravasation of neutrophils. | Immunology
Animated biology With arpan
Leukocyte extravasation | Leukocyte adhesion deficiency | Extravasation of neutrophils. | Immunology
Azathioprine | Mode of action of Azathioprine | Immunosuppressant
Animated biology With arpan
Azathioprine | Mode of action of Azathioprine | Immunosuppressant
Benzodiazepines vs barbiturates | Molecular mechanism of action | USMLE step 1
Animated biology With arpan
Benzodiazepines vs barbiturates | Molecular mechanism of action | USMLE step 1
Peptic ulcer disease | Cause of gastric and duodenal ulcers | USMLE step 1
Animated biology With arpan
Peptic ulcer disease | Cause of gastric and duodenal ulcers | USMLE step 1
Macrophages and its role in immunity | Macrophage and inflammation
Animated biology With arpan
Macrophages and its role in immunity | Macrophage and inflammation
Tissue mediator of wound healing | Wound healing steps | USMLE step 1
Animated biology With arpan
Tissue mediator of wound healing | Wound healing steps | USMLE step 1