True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
For the day of vengeance was inmyheart, wait forthe redemption ofthe Lord SimonEkpa andNgoziOrabueze
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
God said I will bless you with abundant provisions; your poor I will satisfy with food and long life
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
I was young andnow Iam old yet I have never seen the righteousforsake or their children beggingbread
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
The God of Peace will soon crush all Biafra traitors under the feet of Simon Ekpa and Ngozi Orabueze
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
No enchantment against Simon Ekpa and Ngozi Orabueze, no divination against United state of Biafra
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you. #love
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing respect.
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing respect.
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
With God Almighty the United States of Biafra, SimonEkpa andNgozi Orabueze will achieve true victory
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
Worship the Most High God, His blessings will be on your food and water. #love, '#help , #charity
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
The widow was 28 years old when she lost her husband. It is painful to bear.
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
God will be an enemy to the enemies of Simon Ekpa and Ngozi Orabueze and an enemy to their enemies.
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
The story of a young widow that will touch your heart.I pray that you will live all yourdays onearth
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
Jesus said to you, My child, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be free from your suffering
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
May those who wish to harm or seek thelife of SimonEkpa andNgozi Orabueze bedisgraced andput toshame
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
Jesus said, whoever closes his ears to the cry of the poor will himself call out and not be answered
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
The Most High God will bewith you on your Sickbed and restore you to full health during your illness
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
I want to explain to another the vision God has shown me that Biafra will raise a new stronger army
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
God will destroy the evil plan of the traitors against SimonEkpa and Ngozi Orabueze and protect them
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
I want toexplain thevision Godshowedme.In it, a woman vows to frustrate NgoziOrabueze and hercabinet
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
God will save SimonEkpa andNgoziOrabueze and nothing bad will happen to them, but he will carry them
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
Blessed be to God who has not left you today without a Saviour, and may his name be known in you
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
Jesus Christ will heal your broken hearts and bind up your wounds. In Jesus' name, Amen 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
God showed me IgweButuzor and Gentle DeYahoo where OgeNkere, everyone called Igwe Butuzor my general
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
No traitors willstand against SimonEkpa andNgoziOrabueze all thedays oftheir life God ison theirside
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
Jesus Christ of Nazareth said, "Honor widows who are truly widows." God bless you and your family.
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
Father of the orphans and protector of your life, protector of widows is God in his holy dwelling
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
God showedme where SimonEkpa said that Godhas given us the UnitedStateofBiafra that everyone desires
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
God will be the lawgiver of the United State of Biafra, Simon Ekpa, Nnamdi Kanu and Ngozi Orabueze.
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
God, who sent his prophet to a destitute widow and raised a destitute widow
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
The Most High God will always take good care of widows and help them #love #charity #africa #make
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
God will never abandon widows, but will continue to help them. #charity #love #duet
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
God will show no mercy to the wicked Biafran traitors who are targeting Simon Ekpa andNgozi Orabueze
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
No matter how hard traitors try to bring down SimonEkpa andNgoziOrabueze, God will givethem strength
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
Traitors and corrupt hearts cannot defeat the truth in the lives of Simon Ekpa and Ngozi Orabueze
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
Jesus is not against doctors, hospitals,falseprophet is theone who tells people notto goto thedoctor
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
President Trump has put peace on the agenda But corrupt politicians do not want peace and human life
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
God is with Simon Ekpa and Ngozi Olabueze, they will not fall. God will help them in every challenge
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
I know the Most High God secure justice for the poor and uphold the cause of the needy.🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none."🙏 #duet #love #food
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
God said: Traitors will fight against Simon Ekpa and Ngozi Orabueze, but they will never defeat them
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
God showedme that the evil that Oge Nkere, Sunny, Pastor Egg are doing will continue to torment them
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
No weapon formed against NgoziOrabueze willsucceed,every tongue raised against her will be condemned
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
God will turn the evil that the traitors have planned against SimonEkpa and Ngozi Orabueze into good
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
God showedme a woman who vows to frustrate NgoziOrabueze and hercabinet members ifthey do notlisten
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
Evildoers will bow before the good work God is doing in Biafra through Simon Ekpa and Ngozi Orabueze
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
Enemies of SimonEkpa and NgoziOlabueze will be ashamed because theyhave nothing bad to say aboutthem
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
God showed me where Oge Nkere and his group had deceived Commander Gentle DE Yahoo and betrayed him.
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
Simon Ekpa and Ngozi Olabueze will defeat the greed of the traitors and the envy of the hypocrites
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
Evil, hypocrites, jealousy that live within you will catapult you into hellfire if you do not repent
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
Evil,hypocrite,jealousy that you keep alive within you will send you tohellfire if you do not repent
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
As long as the enemies of Simon Ekpa and Ngozi Orabueze are guilty, victory belongs to them.
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
A traitor is an arrogant person who never finds peace. And his greed is hellish; like death
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
Judas betrayed Jesus because he was under Satan's influence.So when you see a traitor spreading lies
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
God will make Ngozi Orabueze extremely successful in whatever she does in the Biafra struggle.
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
Simon Ekpa was like a gentle lamb led to slaughter;he did not know that they had plotted against him
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
The true foundation that is Ngozi Olabueze will last forever while the false foundation will crumble
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
The God of Jacob said, “I have chosen Simon Ekpa for this purpose of freedom and I will protect him
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
God of Abraham said, "i will surely visit Simon Ekpa. I have seen what the traitors have done to him
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
Spirit of SimonEkpa is worried about thepain he willsuffer at thehands of traitors butGod is withhim
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
I would like to explain another vision that God showedme about Ngozi Olabueze and that has come true
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
Oh betrayal, why do you call Simon Ekpa my boss when you are one of the people who betrayed him?
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
O traitors, how can you speak good things when you are evil?
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
Traitors and villains have no other task than to deceive and betray people all over the world.
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
Traitors and evildoers have no other task than to deceive people,destroy goodworks for earthlythings
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
Traitors are trying to kill Ngozi Olabueze because her word and good work have no place within them
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
Donald J. Trump, A man who chose to honor the word of God and respect the name of Jesus on earth
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
You brood of vipers and traitors! how can you escape being condemned to hell?
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
Woe to you, o traitor never betrayed! when you have finished betraying, you will be destroyed
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
The glory of those who betrayed Simon Ekpa and Nnamdi Kanu will be shame, pain, sorrow and disgrace
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
Ngozi Orabueze: Your good work is losing the brains of traitors, how people use Spana and lose cars
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
We should refrain from supporting traitors, evil and wickedness
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
Let him break the egg alone, it will affect him and his generation.Do not follow a frustrated person
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
Hypocrites and traitors try to cover up their sins when they do evil and are captured like a thief.
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
God showed me where Oge Nkere group say they will not allow Ngozi Orabueze to close theirfundraising
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
BiafraWhere there are arrogant armies, greedy, treacherous warriors, therewill be failure, confusion
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
Traitors ask blackmailers what is our injustice, iniquity or what is our sin that we have committed
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
Ngozi Orabueze, Where is Oge Nkere who hijacked the Biafra Army? those whovowed never tolisten toyou
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
The traitors and hypocrites are experts at doing evil, but failures at doing what is good.
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
Do so-called traitors have no sense? How can you treat people like that? Why do you commit treason?
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
Not an enemy who betrayed me, not an enemy who greedily sold me, but you, a man I love; best friend
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
This is what evil people and Satan will bring to you to make you betray your best or anyone else.
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
When evil people want you to betray someone, they will come with an offer that you will never refuse
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
I can't believe how easily you became a traitor to the person who loves you so much and called you.
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
The traitors and evildoers must bear the consequences of their evil deeds, their wickedness and sins
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
The only punishment for traitors and evil p,eople is physical pain and eternal hell.
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
The traitors and deceivers full of malice and deceit against the truth and people who truly fear God
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
The Word of God makes it clear that no man born of a woman can stop the freedom of Simon Ekpa,
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
The Word of God makes it clear that no man born of a woman can stop the freedom of Simon Ekpa
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
The traitors and impostors will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
I want to explain thevision Godshowedme whereNigeria declared biafracommanders Mostwanted terrorists
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
God showed me a vision theNigerian army wants to kill the commanders of the Biafra forces one by one
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
Bewareof traitors and deceivers.They come toyou in sheepclothing,but in reality theyare greedywolves
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
A false witness and traitors will not go unpunished and he who spread lies will not get away with it
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
God showed me Choose one of them andmake a deal with one of them sothat Biafra can regain itsfreedom
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
O Lord God of hosts, God of Israel, punish all the evil nations; show no mercy to the evil traitors
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
God showed me that Simon Ekpa was angry with Oge Nekere andhis allies for deceiving Biafra with lies
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
God has taught you. Do not be the advocate of traitors and wickedness, but follow the truth forever
True Light of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministry
I tried to explain to Peter Obi and his followers that the Nigeria elections are not Nollywoodmovies