Yellowjackets 3x6 “Thanksgiving (Canada)” FIRST TIME REACTION
The Horror Bandwagon
Yellowjackets 3x6 “Thanksgiving (Canada)” FIRST TIME REACTION
Angel 3x15 & 3x16 REACTION | "Loyalty" & "Sleep Tight"
The Horror Bandwagon
Angel 3x15 & 3x16 REACTION | "Loyalty" & "Sleep Tight"
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 6x15 & 6x16 REACTION | "As You Were" & "Hell's Bells"
The Horror Bandwagon
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 6x15 & 6x16 REACTION | "As You Were" & "Hell's Bells"
Interview With The Vampire 1x6 FIRST TIME REACTION | "Like Angels Put in Hell by God"
The Horror Bandwagon
Interview With The Vampire 1x6 FIRST TIME REACTION | "Like Angels Put in Hell by God"
The Walking Dead - Season 3 Episode 4 "Thicker Than Water" | Scary Streaming Sunday #83
The Horror Bandwagon
The Walking Dead - Season 3 Episode 4 "Thicker Than Water" | Scary Streaming Sunday #83
Yellowjackets 3x5 “Did Tai Do That?” FIRST TIME REACTION | A Bridge Too Far?!
The Horror Bandwagon
Yellowjackets 3x5 “Did Tai Do That?” FIRST TIME REACTION | A Bridge Too Far?!
Charmed 6x3 & 6x4 REACTION | "Forget Me...Not" & "The Power of Three Blondes"
The Horror Bandwagon
Charmed 6x3 & 6x4 REACTION | "Forget Me...Not" & "The Power of Three Blondes"
Angel 3x13 & 3x14 REACTION | "Waiting in the Wings" & "Couplet"
The Horror Bandwagon
Angel 3x13 & 3x14 REACTION | "Waiting in the Wings" & "Couplet"
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 6x13 & 6x14 REACTION | "Dead Things" & "Older and Far Away"
The Horror Bandwagon
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 6x13 & 6x14 REACTION | "Dead Things" & "Older and Far Away"
Interview With The Vampire 1x5 FIRST TIME REACTION | "A Vile Hunger for Your Hammering Heart"
The Horror Bandwagon
Interview With The Vampire 1x5 FIRST TIME REACTION | "A Vile Hunger for Your Hammering Heart"
Companion (2025) FIRST TIME WATCH | One TWISTED Boy Meets Girl Story!
The Horror Bandwagon
Companion (2025) FIRST TIME WATCH | One TWISTED Boy Meets Girl Story!
The Walking Dead - Season 3 Episode 3 "Above the Law" | Scary Streaming Sunday #82
The Horror Bandwagon
The Walking Dead - Season 3 Episode 3 "Above the Law" | Scary Streaming Sunday #82
Yellowjackets 3x4 “12 Angry Girls and 1 Drunk Travis” FIRST TIME REACTION | THAT ENDING?!
The Horror Bandwagon
Yellowjackets 3x4 “12 Angry Girls and 1 Drunk Travis” FIRST TIME REACTION | THAT ENDING?!
Charmed 6x1 & 6x2 REACTION | "Valhalley of the Dolls" (2-Parter)
The Horror Bandwagon
Charmed 6x1 & 6x2 REACTION | "Valhalley of the Dolls" (2-Parter)
Angel 3x11 & 3x12 REACTION | "Birthday" & "Provider"
The Horror Bandwagon
Angel 3x11 & 3x12 REACTION | "Birthday" & "Provider"
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 6x11 & 6x12 REACTION | "Gone" & "Doublemeat Palace"
The Horror Bandwagon
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 6x11 & 6x12 REACTION | "Gone" & "Doublemeat Palace"
Interview With The Vampire 1x4 FIRST TIME REACTION | Claudia's Grand Entrance!
The Horror Bandwagon
Interview With The Vampire 1x4 FIRST TIME REACTION | Claudia's Grand Entrance!
The Walking Dead - Season 3 Episode 2 "Ties That Bind Part 2" | (After the Glitch)  #81
The Horror Bandwagon
The Walking Dead - Season 3 Episode 2 "Ties That Bind Part 2" | (After the Glitch) #81
The Walking Dead - Season 3 Episode 2 "Ties That Bind Part 2" (BEFORE THE GLITCH)| #81
The Horror Bandwagon
The Walking Dead - Season 3 Episode 2 "Ties That Bind Part 2" (BEFORE THE GLITCH)| #81
Yellowjackets 3x3 “Them's the Brakes” FIRST TIME REACTION | It wants MORE?!
The Horror Bandwagon
Yellowjackets 3x3 “Them's the Brakes” FIRST TIME REACTION | It wants MORE?!
Interview With The Vampire 1x3 FIRST TIME REACTION | "Is My Very Nature That of a Devil"
The Horror Bandwagon
Interview With The Vampire 1x3 FIRST TIME REACTION | "Is My Very Nature That of a Devil"
Yellowjackets 3x2 FIRST TIME REACTION "Dislocation" | The Plot Thickens!
The Horror Bandwagon
Yellowjackets 3x2 FIRST TIME REACTION "Dislocation" | The Plot Thickens!
The Walking Dead - Season 3 Episode 1 "Ties That Bind Part 1" | Scary Streaming Sunday #80
The Horror Bandwagon
The Walking Dead - Season 3 Episode 1 "Ties That Bind Part 1" | Scary Streaming Sunday #80
Charmed 5x22 & 5x23 REACTION | "Oh My Goddess!" (2-Parter)
The Horror Bandwagon
Charmed 5x22 & 5x23 REACTION | "Oh My Goddess!" (2-Parter)
Charmed 5x21 REACTION | "Necromancing the Stone"
The Horror Bandwagon
Charmed 5x21 REACTION | "Necromancing the Stone"
Yellowjackets 3x1 “It Girl” FIRST TIME REACTION | Let the theories BEGIN!
The Horror Bandwagon
Yellowjackets 3x1 “It Girl” FIRST TIME REACTION | Let the theories BEGIN!
Angel 3x9 & 3x10 REACTION | "Lullaby" & "Dad"
The Horror Bandwagon
Angel 3x9 & 3x10 REACTION | "Lullaby" & "Dad"
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 6x9 & 6x10 REACTION | "Smashed" & "Wrecked"
The Horror Bandwagon
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 6x9 & 6x10 REACTION | "Smashed" & "Wrecked"
My Bloody Valentine (1981) FIRST TIME WATCH |  Left us Surprised in the all the BEST ways!
The Horror Bandwagon
My Bloody Valentine (1981) FIRST TIME WATCH | Left us Surprised in the all the BEST ways!
Interview With The Vampire 1x2 FIRST TIME REACTION | "... After the Phantoms of Your Former Self"
The Horror Bandwagon
Interview With The Vampire 1x2 FIRST TIME REACTION | "... After the Phantoms of Your Former Self"
The Walking Dead - Season 2 Episode 5 "No Going Back" | Scary Streaming Sunday #79
The Horror Bandwagon
The Walking Dead - Season 2 Episode 5 "No Going Back" | Scary Streaming Sunday #79
Charmed 5x19 & 5x20 REACTION | "Nymphs Just Wanna Have Fun" & "Sense and Sense Ability"
The Horror Bandwagon
Charmed 5x19 & 5x20 REACTION | "Nymphs Just Wanna Have Fun" & "Sense and Sense Ability"
Angel 3x7 & 3x8 REACTION | "Offspring" & "Quickening"
The Horror Bandwagon
Angel 3x7 & 3x8 REACTION | "Offspring" & "Quickening"
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 6x8 REACTION | "Tabula Rasa"
The Horror Bandwagon
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 6x8 REACTION | "Tabula Rasa"
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 6x7 REACTION | "Once More, With Feeling"
The Horror Bandwagon
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 6x7 REACTION | "Once More, With Feeling"
Interview With The Vampire 1x1 FIRST TIME REACTION | "In Throes of Increasing Wonder..."
The Horror Bandwagon
Interview With The Vampire 1x1 FIRST TIME REACTION | "In Throes of Increasing Wonder..."
The Walking Dead - Season 2 Episode 4 "Amid the Ruins" | Scary Streaming Sunday #78
The Horror Bandwagon
The Walking Dead - Season 2 Episode 4 "Amid the Ruins" | Scary Streaming Sunday #78
Charmed 5x17 & 5x18 REACTION | "Lucky Charmed" & "Cat House"
The Horror Bandwagon
Charmed 5x17 & 5x18 REACTION | "Lucky Charmed" & "Cat House"
Angel 3x5 & 3x6 REACTION | "Fredless" & "Billy"
The Horror Bandwagon
Angel 3x5 & 3x6 REACTION | "Fredless" & "Billy"
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 6x5 & 6x6 REACTION | "Life Serial" & "All the Way"
The Horror Bandwagon
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 6x5 & 6x6 REACTION | "Life Serial" & "All the Way"
Annabelle: Creation (2017) FIRST TIME WATCH | Evil in FULL FORCE!
The Horror Bandwagon
Annabelle: Creation (2017) FIRST TIME WATCH | Evil in FULL FORCE!
The Walking Dead - Season 2 Episode 3 "In Harm's Way" | Scary Streaming Sunday #77
The Horror Bandwagon
The Walking Dead - Season 2 Episode 3 "In Harm's Way" | Scary Streaming Sunday #77
Charmed 5x15 & 5x16 REACTION | "The Day the Magic Died" & "Baby's First Demon"
The Horror Bandwagon
Charmed 5x15 & 5x16 REACTION | "The Day the Magic Died" & "Baby's First Demon"
Angel 3x3 & 3x4 REACTION | "That Old Gang of Mine" & "Carpe Noctem"
The Horror Bandwagon
Angel 3x3 & 3x4 REACTION | "That Old Gang of Mine" & "Carpe Noctem"
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 6x3 & 6x4 REACTION | "After Life" & "Flooded"
The Horror Bandwagon
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 6x3 & 6x4 REACTION | "After Life" & "Flooded"
The Walking Dead - Season 2 Episode 2 "A House Divided" |Scary Streaming Sunday #76
The Horror Bandwagon
The Walking Dead - Season 2 Episode 2 "A House Divided" |Scary Streaming Sunday #76
Charmed 5x13 & 5x14 REACTION | "House Call" & "Sand Francisco Dreamin'"
The Horror Bandwagon
Charmed 5x13 & 5x14 REACTION | "House Call" & "Sand Francisco Dreamin'"
Angel 3x1 & 3x2 REACTION | "Heartthrob" & "That Vision Thing"
The Horror Bandwagon
Angel 3x1 & 3x2 REACTION | "Heartthrob" & "That Vision Thing"
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 6x1 & 6x2 REACTION | "Bargaining Part 1 & 2"
The Horror Bandwagon
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 6x1 & 6x2 REACTION | "Bargaining Part 1 & 2"
Charmed 5x11 & 5x12 REACTION | "The Importance of Being Phoebe" & "Centennial Charmed"
The Horror Bandwagon
Charmed 5x11 & 5x12 REACTION | "The Importance of Being Phoebe" & "Centennial Charmed"
The Walking Dead - Season 2 Episode 1"All That Remains" | Scary Streaming Sunday #75
The Horror Bandwagon
The Walking Dead - Season 2 Episode 1"All That Remains" | Scary Streaming Sunday #75
Angel 2x21 & 2x22 REACTION | "Through the Looking Glass" & "There's No Place Like Plrtz Glrb"
The Horror Bandwagon
Angel 2x21 & 2x22 REACTION | "Through the Looking Glass" & "There's No Place Like Plrtz Glrb"
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 5x21 & 5x22 REACTION | "The Weight of the World" & "The Gift"
The Horror Bandwagon
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 5x21 & 5x22 REACTION | "The Weight of the World" & "The Gift"
Shadows of Rose (Resident Evil:Village DLC) : Scary Streaming Sunday #74
The Horror Bandwagon
Shadows of Rose (Resident Evil:Village DLC) : Scary Streaming Sunday #74
Charmed 5x9 & 5x10 REACTION | "Sam I Am" & "Y Tu Mummy También"
The Horror Bandwagon
Charmed 5x9 & 5x10 REACTION | "Sam I Am" & "Y Tu Mummy También"
Angel 2x19 & 2x20 REACTION | "Belonging" & "Over the Rainbow"
The Horror Bandwagon
Angel 2x19 & 2x20 REACTION | "Belonging" & "Over the Rainbow"
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 5x19 & 5x20 REACTION | "Tough Love" & "Spiral"
The Horror Bandwagon
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 5x19 & 5x20 REACTION | "Tough Love" & "Spiral"
The Poughkeepsie Tapes (2007) FIRST TIME WATCH | WHAT DID WE JUST WITNESS?!
The Horror Bandwagon
The Poughkeepsie Tapes (2007) FIRST TIME WATCH | WHAT DID WE JUST WITNESS?!
Charmed 5x7 & 5x8 REACTION | "Sympathy for the Demon" & "A Witch in Time"
The Horror Bandwagon
Charmed 5x7 & 5x8 REACTION | "Sympathy for the Demon" & "A Witch in Time"
Angel 2x17 & 2x18 REACTION | "Disharmony" & "Dead End"
The Horror Bandwagon
Angel 2x17 & 2x18 REACTION | "Disharmony" & "Dead End"
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 5x17 & 5x18 REACTION | "Forever" & "Intervention"
The Horror Bandwagon
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 5x17 & 5x18 REACTION | "Forever" & "Intervention"
Charmed 5x5 & 5X6 REACTION | "Witches in Tights" & "The Eyes Have It"
The Horror Bandwagon
Charmed 5x5 & 5X6 REACTION | "Witches in Tights" & "The Eyes Have It"
Angel 2x15 & 2x16 REACTION | "Reprise" & "Epiphany"
The Horror Bandwagon
Angel 2x15 & 2x16 REACTION | "Reprise" & "Epiphany"
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 5x15 & 5x16 REACTION | "I Was Made To Love You" & "The Body"
The Horror Bandwagon
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 5x15 & 5x16 REACTION | "I Was Made To Love You" & "The Body"
Warm Fireplace Ambience with The Horror Bandwagon reactions playing in the Background | Yule Log '24
The Horror Bandwagon
Warm Fireplace Ambience with The Horror Bandwagon reactions playing in the Background | Yule Log '24
Heretic (2024) FIRST TIME WATCH | Hugh Grant at his CREEPIEST!!
The Horror Bandwagon
Heretic (2024) FIRST TIME WATCH | Hugh Grant at his CREEPIEST!!
Charmed 5x3 & 5x4 REACTION | "Happily Ever After" & "Siren Song"
The Horror Bandwagon
Charmed 5x3 & 5x4 REACTION | "Happily Ever After" & "Siren Song"
Angel 2x13 & 2x14 REACTION | "Happy Anniversary" & "The Thin Dead Line"
The Horror Bandwagon
Angel 2x13 & 2x14 REACTION | "Happy Anniversary" & "The Thin Dead Line"
Annabelle (2014) FIRST TIME WATCH | This DOLL is doing TOO MUCH!!
The Horror Bandwagon
Annabelle (2014) FIRST TIME WATCH | This DOLL is doing TOO MUCH!!
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 5x13 & 5x14 REACTION | "Blood Ties" & "Crush"
The Horror Bandwagon
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 5x13 & 5x14 REACTION | "Blood Ties" & "Crush"
Shadows of Rose (Resident Evil:Village DLC) : Scary Streaming Sunday #73
The Horror Bandwagon
Shadows of Rose (Resident Evil:Village DLC) : Scary Streaming Sunday #73
Charmed 5x1 & 5x2 REACTION | "A Witch's Tail" (2-Parter)
The Horror Bandwagon
Charmed 5x1 & 5x2 REACTION | "A Witch's Tail" (2-Parter)
Angel 2x11 & 2x12 REACTION | "Redefinition" & "Blood Money"
The Horror Bandwagon
Angel 2x11 & 2x12 REACTION | "Redefinition" & "Blood Money"
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 5x11 & 5x12 REACTION | "Triangle" & "Checkpoint"
The Horror Bandwagon
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 5x11 & 5x12 REACTION | "Triangle" & "Checkpoint"
Silent Hill 2 (Part 8 - FINALE) : Scary Streaming Sunday #72
The Horror Bandwagon
Silent Hill 2 (Part 8 - FINALE) : Scary Streaming Sunday #72
Charmed 4x21 & 4x22 REACTION | "Womb Raider" & "Witch Way Now?!"
The Horror Bandwagon
Charmed 4x21 & 4x22 REACTION | "Womb Raider" & "Witch Way Now?!"
Angel 2x9 & 2x10 REACTION | "The Trial" & "Reunion"
The Horror Bandwagon
Angel 2x9 & 2x10 REACTION | "The Trial" & "Reunion"
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 5x9 & 5x10 REACTION | "Listening to Fear" & "Into the Woods"
The Horror Bandwagon
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 5x9 & 5x10 REACTION | "Listening to Fear" & "Into the Woods"
Five Nights at Freddy's 4 (Drinking Game Play Through)
The Horror Bandwagon
Five Nights at Freddy's 4 (Drinking Game Play Through)
Terrifier 3 (2024) FIRST TIME WATCH | GAGGED in more ways than one!!
The Horror Bandwagon
Terrifier 3 (2024) FIRST TIME WATCH | GAGGED in more ways than one!!
Silent Hill 2 (Part 7) : Scary Streaming Sunday #71
The Horror Bandwagon
Silent Hill 2 (Part 7) : Scary Streaming Sunday #71
Smile 2 (2024) FIRST TIME WATCH | It Got Under Our Skin!
The Horror Bandwagon
Smile 2 (2024) FIRST TIME WATCH | It Got Under Our Skin!
Charmed 4x19 & 4x20 REACTION | "We're off to See the Wizard" & "Long Live the Queen"
The Horror Bandwagon
Charmed 4x19 & 4x20 REACTION | "We're off to See the Wizard" & "Long Live the Queen"
Angel 2x7 & 2x8 REACTION | "Darla" & "The Shroud of Rahmon"
The Horror Bandwagon
Angel 2x7 & 2x8 REACTION | "Darla" & "The Shroud of Rahmon"
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 5x7 & 5x8 REACTION | "Fool for Love" & "Shadow"
The Horror Bandwagon
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 5x7 & 5x8 REACTION | "Fool for Love" & "Shadow"
Silent Hill 2 (Part 6) : Scary Streaming Sunday #70
The Horror Bandwagon
Silent Hill 2 (Part 6) : Scary Streaming Sunday #70
Charmed 4x17 & 4x18 REACTION | "Saving Private Leo" & "Bite Me"
The Horror Bandwagon
Charmed 4x17 & 4x18 REACTION | "Saving Private Leo" & "Bite Me"
Angel 2x5 & 2x6 REACTION | "Dear Boy" & "Guise Will Be Guise"
The Horror Bandwagon
Angel 2x5 & 2x6 REACTION | "Dear Boy" & "Guise Will Be Guise"
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 5x5 & 5x6 REACTION | "No Place Like Home" and "Family"
The Horror Bandwagon
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 5x5 & 5x6 REACTION | "No Place Like Home" and "Family"
Watching HELL HOUSE LLC 1 & 2: A Double Feature from HELL | Movie Reaction | Commentary
The Horror Bandwagon
Watching HELL HOUSE LLC 1 & 2: A Double Feature from HELL | Movie Reaction | Commentary
Charmed 4x15 & 4x16 REACTION | "Marry-Go-Round" & "The Fifth Halliwheel"
The Horror Bandwagon
Charmed 4x15 & 4x16 REACTION | "Marry-Go-Round" & "The Fifth Halliwheel"
Angel 2x3 & 2x4 REACTION | "First Impressions" & "Untouched"
The Horror Bandwagon
Angel 2x3 & 2x4 REACTION | "First Impressions" & "Untouched"
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 5x3 & 5x4 REACTION | "The Replacement" & "Out Of My Mind"
The Horror Bandwagon
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 5x3 & 5x4 REACTION | "The Replacement" & "Out Of My Mind"
The Substance (2024) First Time Watch | The Movie of The Year?!
The Horror Bandwagon
The Substance (2024) First Time Watch | The Movie of The Year?!
Silent Hill 2 (Part 5) : Scary Streaming Sunday #69
The Horror Bandwagon
Silent Hill 2 (Part 5) : Scary Streaming Sunday #69
Charmed 4x13 & 4x14 REACTION | "Charmed and Dangerous" & "The Three Faces of Phoebe"
The Horror Bandwagon
Charmed 4x13 & 4x14 REACTION | "Charmed and Dangerous" & "The Three Faces of Phoebe"
Angel 2x1 & 2x2 REACTION | "Judgement" & "Are You Now or Have You Ever Been'
The Horror Bandwagon
Angel 2x1 & 2x2 REACTION | "Judgement" & "Are You Now or Have You Ever Been'
Silent Hill 2 (Part 4) : 2nd Annual Halloween Stream
The Horror Bandwagon
Silent Hill 2 (Part 4) : 2nd Annual Halloween Stream
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 5x1 & 5x2 REACTION | "Buffy Vs. Dracula" & "Real Me"
The Horror Bandwagon
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 5x1 & 5x2 REACTION | "Buffy Vs. Dracula" & "Real Me"
Agatha All Along 1x9 FIRST TIME REACTION | "Maiden Mother Crone"
The Horror Bandwagon
Agatha All Along 1x9 FIRST TIME REACTION | "Maiden Mother Crone"