
this guy needs more attention and great thanks  i am from pakistan and i met so many teachers who seemed  quite incompetent and are just hard to learn and they dont teach in english but you are  amazing and i hope you continue soon and reach you next level of importance soon in the future


Thank you for everything you got me through chemistry now I’m done with it πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€


Thank you so much for making this video! I was that student who spent hours studying but never got the results I wanted. Now, thanks to your approach, I can take tests more confidently and don't need to spend unnecessary time. I hope you continue making videos!


im 16 years old. from philippines. i must say that time flies so fast, i would like to thank you for creating this kind of videos. you help me a lot. i may not smart, but i hope i will keep improving to become best. keep it up Sir! im pretty sure you help thousands or millions students here.


Dr. DeWitt, thank you so much for making chemistry not intimidating! πŸ™πŸΌ


Tyler I’m  so happy you’re uploading again!


I am a Science teacher and absolutely thank you for ALL that you ADD to this world! Knowledge is a treasure. Thank you for sharing yours! May you continue to be blessed!


You helped me so much in Advanced Chemistry! (Not AP Chem, I'm taking that class next year lol.) I couldn't wrap my head around stochiometry and the difference between polar and nonpolar molecules before I found your videos, and because of you, I've had a 100 in the class for the whole year. :)


Thanks so much for this video Tyler.
 This will make a huge difference for students.
Profoundly grateful πŸ™


Hello, Tyler! I am currently studying chemistry and I've just watched your 12 year old video of your "magic trick" using acids, bases and the indicator! Really cool to see you're doing this 12 years later with ongoing joy for what you do!


Dr. DeWitt Can you explain Leuchtelet's principle of chemical equilibrium? also Thank you very much for your great explanation you are the best.
I have been following the channel for 3 years and there is no one better than her⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


I regret not finding this channel before. He is a great teacher with great content and great explaining methods


Been following you when u used paper transition writing on each and every sheet damn hard…. Ihve so muchbrespect for you . Great teacher indeed πŸŽ€


Can I please get a tutorial on Periodic Chemistry


Hope you find my comment. Loving your way of teaching Your channel has proved extricator for me. I found this channel at my University level and i am clearing my basics. Really desirful to take physical classes from you.Your explaination on one side and giving an excellent analogy is quite interesting.
There is one change you are now look so serious .Hope you find this comment 
Please also remain active on other social media. You know what thing make your teaching attractive ! your humbleness.
Love from Pakistan πŸ‡΅πŸ‡°


Thanks prof- Tyler for the good work


after so many years of making a vids I'm so glad that you're still exist, bless this man oh my God


Kindly Upload more numerical problems as soon as possible
Really helpful
You are amazing!!!!πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰


You inspire me. Thank you so much.


I love the wayof ur teacher please cover the of topic of all