doesnt matter if its not loaded. firearm safety is best no matter loaded or not. second, everyone can simply follow the basic idea of dont point at people. you dont need an instructor to tell you that.
4 weapon safety rules 1. Treat every weapon as if it were loaded. 2. Never point your weapon at anything you do not intend to shoot. 3. Keep your finger straight and off the trigger until you are ready to fire. 4. Keep your weapon on safe until you intend to fire
I’m from England and even I know always treat a gun as if it’s loaded and don’t point it at something you’re not willing to destroy
As a 14 year who recently suffered a gun shot wound from a 45 caliber pistol to the face, this should be a lesson to all of us
4 things they teach to everyone who ever held a firearm in the U.S. military: Treat every weapon as if it is loaded Don't point your weapon at anything you don't intend to shoot Keep your finger straight and off the trigger until it is time to shoot Know your target and what lies behind it This guy managed to fail all four simultaneously.
Bro in the back snapped a picture fast as fuck 😂. He was working hard for that headline
Every person who ever accidentally shot someone they cared about was holding an "empty" gun.
I would have bugged out if I was in that jury box.
Rule #1 is. Always treat your weapon as if it's loaded.
That guy knows he liked holding that thing
That camera man that stood up really loves his job
The act of pointing a fire-arm at someone -- This is normally considered to be: "aggravated battery" under the laws of most states; moreover, the ones that don't out-right classify it as actual battery instead of the lesser offense assault would slap you with a "Brandishing" charge.
Bro doesn't even have the gun shouldered correctly...
it also shows how dangerous firearms can be when handled by an ignorant person… maybe we need stricter regulations
The first thing I was told in a concealed carry class was always treat a firearm as if it is loaded and ready to fire
That photographer was just waiting for it 💀
A saying that comes to mind "There is a devil hidden in a gun."
Yeah, I have been trained for a long time about gun rules. It all started with dart guns. Every person should treat every gun lethal or not as if it is loaded with a lethal round
You see how fast that cameraman stood up the second he pointed the gun at the jury lol