this song became one of my studying essentials
Легенда, благодаря этой музыке я вспоминаю подростковые годы когда я смотрел Атаку Титанов
I just realized when the vocals kick in the first part sounds like Nier Automata, then it goes into a Game of Thrones feel, and then when everything swells up you feel the Attack on Titan
the song is just what I needed❤🔥
And now I can't study without listening to this hehehe
Gracias por la versión
Its actual name ia Vogel im Kafig, ISeeYouBigGirl is just a remix of Vogel Im Kafig
para pasar el rato en mi cuarto gracias
BANGER SONG (nice pfp too)
Makes sense watching this while looking at the female titan
This was meant to be Annie's theme but changed lol
La traición más épica del anime 💔🖤
너무 좋아
good good😀