I'd like to point out, that convincing Joshua Graham to spare Salt-Upon-Wounds is one of the HARDEST Speech checks in the entirety of New Vegas. He is so blinded by rage, mourning and hatred that he has completely abandoned the values that he has sworn by in his religion, and you being there is the only reason that he doesn't descend into becoming a warlord.
10:45 There is a popular theory that “the school” mentioned by the kids was the X-8 research center at Big MT. Making “the Principal” Dr. Borous. Which would explain why they were so terrified of him, he unleashed Cyberdogs and Nightstalkers upon them while shouting angrily through the intercom.
Joshua spitting Bible verses while the courier is high. This is the authentic honest hearts experience.
The story of Randall Clark is one of the best side stories in any media. Of course Honest Hearts is good, but that whole other story is just insanely good writing.
2:45 what RT meant to say here was Deathjaws. They're like Deathclaws, but with bigger teeth.
Main plot : Joshua and his wacky adventures Survivalist Side quest : why in hell im still alive !
The fact he's been holding off the pardons until after Lonesome Road tells me all I need to know about what he's gonna do
If you had Wild Wasteland, White Bird's dialogue just goes "Take Drugs, Kill a bear!" When you do that quest😂
"February 11th Youtube killed all the men." I knew Google would be the end of us
I know he said 'final' for the next one because it was the last added and has thematics of being a Last Stand for the Courier, since there is technically one other one he hasn't done yet. But also the idea that he's just saying Screw You to Dead Money is very funny.
One of the really interesting things I remember from my playthrough of Honest Hearts was the reveal that the Sorrows latched onto Daniel's preaching's so easily because they equated the religious Father Daniel talked about with their Father in The Caves, and there's a dialogue option where you can reveal this to Daniel. Randall Clark isn't just a incredible side story, separate from the main quest, the Sorrows took their name from him, and he's tied to the religious themes of the DLC.
Joshua Graham is really cool and a good character for a lot of reasons, but can I just point out how much of a hyper-mormon he is? He comes from Salt Lake City in post-war Utah, goes to specifically Zion national park, as a missionary no less, frequently quotes Bible verses, and wields a Browning M1911, made by none other than great inventor, john Moses Browning, another Mormon. Dunno how much of the faith remains the same, but he's basically captain mormon
26:20 Bro found that fact so intriguing that he said it twice lol
The Survivalist is one of my favorite characters in all of Fallout, if not my favorite. There’s just something satisfying about his story of beholding so much bad, so much wrong that humanity did to each other following the Great War, that him finally passing away after preparing the Sorrows for life(like the father he never got to be…) is amazing. I think he is one of the few characters in Fallout to truly die happy.
Ah yes, another episode of death himself.
18:00 that reminds me of the crossroads I encountered in Skyrim. First time I passed through there was a dead bear & dead wolf, just sitting there. Second time, it was a dead bear, dead wolf, dead human and a dead spriggan. All the loot had respawned, too. Third time was a dead bear, dead wolf, dead human, dead spriggan, dead hagraven and a dead dragon. Again, all the loot on the bodies had respawned. Oddly enough, the dragon didn't give me a soul. Fourth time I passed through that crossroad, all the bodies suddenly came back to life and aggro'd on me, killing me near-instantly. Oh Bethesda game engines, never change.
This run is just "What if Oppenheimer was a coward about his bombs."
So just imagine that you're tripping absolute balls and a mormon mummy runs up to you and starts ranting about how the Bible condones genocide. The true Honest Hearts experience.
Some fun trivia. Joshua Graham I believe has 50 DT (Damage Threshold). Which means he has more armor than the most difficult death claws and even has more armor than god damn robots. Guys skin is made of something special