
The tiny little player model for this class always cracks me the fuck up


Ah yes the famous I don’t help my teamates just go for kills build


The drop 12 kills with a 15% win percentage build


The saddest skilless light build 💀. They never play w team, never the objective and onyl think worse is using the sword.


Yet the most dangerous player in the match is your teammate with gas


Lol I agree with the guy who said it’s the “I suck at this game” build😂


It’s all fun and games until a sledge heavy with good eyesight chases you


Invis in these types of game is always busted


Took 20 games to get this clip bc lights always get melted 😂


Played against one of these in ranked recently, the pump action grenade launcher fixed all my problems


Tbh it never works on me since I always see the cloak. I used to play Halo a lot and the active camo was just like this.


The “im a rat fuck that sucks” loadout


I love lights running around in the open with no range on their weapons.


Deadliest ❌                                                      Broken and takes no effort ✅


Aka the "I'm not going to let anyone else in this match have fun or leave with their computer setup intact" build


A life of Halo eyes and hatred of these builds keeps my flamethrower very well fed... Thanks keep it up.


Cloak/shotty users are a bane of existence


Trust me we know, 60% of all lobbies is this build.  I call it the "i suck at this game and aiming so i have to resort to this" build.


Light is the tackiest build ever. Hide in cloak stun 😕😕😕


Look at the popularity of these videos…and your cod vids. These gain much more traction! Do what you love man!