
We don't need another gaming hardware, we just need high quality games.


I can't even get excited for next-gen. I feel like this generation barely started.


PS4 cross gen will continue with the PS6


"What if your console was more expensive, didn't take discs, was locked to XBox, and was made by whatever subcontractor we could find?" what a pitch


I know it’s been almost 5 years for PS5, but it feels like it just got here. Can’t believe they are already discussing release for next gen.


We have a games problem, not a hardware problem.


Make the PS6 backwards compatible for all previous gen games then we’ll talk. I see no reason to upgrade when this generation hasn’t even started yet


I hope PS6 is 2028. The PS5 hardware was both pushed too far in terms of stupidly large 3rd party games, but not far enough in terms of 1st party exclusives.


I can't believe people are already speculating on PS6 when PS5 hasn't even proved itself yet, modern gaming sure is going down the pan, isn't it :(


The war has ended with ps4 and xbone lets be real


Consoles wars aren’t as excited as before 😂


I think current gen consoles could easily last another 5-6 years, since we're still getting last gen ports of games


I don't think hype for a newer console has ever been this low. A lot of people find it hard to be excited at the prospect of a PS6 with how the current gen has panned out so far


Console hardware need to be a bit diferent than pcs.. They can dedicate and optimize it specificly for gaming because it doesnt have to do anything else.


Barely got any games this generation smh gaming just isn’t the same anymore


What will more power even do at this point? Part of me wonders, if devs purposely slow games down for last gens, just to have people buy the more powerful console versions.


The original Xbox was made by off the shelf PC parts so they basically going back to their roots


Honestly if the PS6 is more of the same like the PS5 was then I'll pass. If the next xbox is a xbox/windows hybrid I'd be all over that because it'll let me play everything from Xbox, PC, and PlayStation, as well as emulation, and mods etc. a Xbox hybrid feels far more appealing than just another traditional console.


Why does no one ever complain about Nintendo having no competition? (edit: This is a rhetorical question. I am not interested in excuses.)


No way in hell do we need new consols already we haven't even reached the full potential of the ps5 or series s or x