Bro Piggy, please tell me how come do you use cloak in your streams because I am plat 2 and every game is dominated by MMM or MM running recon. They know everywhere I go so I kinda swapped to dash and vanish bomb, but then I have to sacrifice glitgh nade which sucks big time. I don't know how to play this class anymore. No one wants a light in LFG..if I solo queue I get gronze/gold very rare do I get plats, against high Diamond players or other plats.
Hello, where you got those black watches?
Wait when using stun gun how do you get your crosshairs so close together, mine always have a gap so tryna figure what settings i need to change them. Good video tho, loved the way you farmed the lobby instead of going for coins, makes the game more fun
what resolution u using?
do you have a settings video with your aspect ratio and FOV? it looks quite nice.
The only way I can be asked to do get diamond rank is if there is a diamond sniper. because as a solo, the matchmaking sucks and also i am in EU so out of my 170 hours playtime, a whole 0 people have used there mic.
That was such a smart play broo
Was literally having a stroke when he was just not cashing in the 30k when he had 13k lol
What fov is this ?
Rip Gogatroll
You could only get this from beta, right?
ayy another diamond m11 enjoyer 😁 You should try the solo deposit challenge if you like the new ltm!
Wow that gun looks fun I like how you don't even have to ads to melt a heavy
Bro said forget the objective
rarest is diamond sledge