
if you haven't seen it yet and want ur daily fix of exestentialism, then  out "the tale of Jenny and screech"


YO!  I appreciate you including me Ren.  MIND BLOWING stuff man.  You definitely got all of us!   Nothing but love and respect brother.


I LOVE watching the reactors’ faces when they “get” it. You are a brilliant songwriter Ren, and an even better storyteller. I am blessed to have found your music. It really speaks to my heart. ❤


I love watching people's reactions when they get that feeling. I'm obsessed with REN


Ren has been exploding the heads of reactors and its my new favorite thing to watch!


Ren, this trilogy is phenomenal as these reactions show!  How does one person possess so much talent?  It doesn’t seem possible but yet here you are.  I’m so happy to have found your music.  It’s beautiful, interesting, meaningful, and so relatable.  Thank you for what you do … connecting us all with you through your music.  I hope you are feeling better ❤️


My favorite part of most of the reactions I see is when they say something I believe we all say with all our heart "Thank you Ren!"  Can't explain how much your music has helped me!!!


Best. Trilogy.  Ever.  
I did sit there after the twist was revealed, destroyed, with my mouth agape, processing and recontextualizing everything.  I remember hurting over the fact that Jenny was only 14 too, in high heels, walking the streets she had walked so many times before. Star-crossed siblings.


Am yet to hear any of Rens music that doesn't reasonate with me. I've also obsessively watched reaction vids, because I love seeing ppl experience what I too experience, through your music. Thanks Ren💙


I love watching the reactions when they get it. At the end of Screech most think it can't get any better, Ren said fetch my guitar


I remember being that blown away the first time I heard Ren. And I still get that feeling everytime I listen to our Boi. ❤


I hope that you find it so fulfilling to have such visceral reactions to your lyrical genius


I spend way to many hours watching Reactors getting mind blown over this Trilogy 😚I still get chills... Brilliant Ren... and the 🎥 work is insane


Ren, You really know how to make 6 million people fall in love with you.


FYI, Ren… this is EXACTLY how we all reacted the first time we heard Violet’s Tale! I’ve listened to the trilogy so many times and it still hits me in the feels every single time. I also shudder at “he pinches her eyelids and folds them up” every time too. 😅 That mental image makes my skin crawl 😬 I love how vividly you paint a scene and how impassioned you are in delivering your lyrics. Your characters are so believable I sometimes have to remind myself that it’s all you! Nothing but love and admiration for you Ren! 💖🥰


Over the top talent!!! Gives you chills


I’ve seen all of these 😂Cliff Beats n JK   Bros. are. 2 of my fave  reaction channels ever xxx


My boy Cliff Beats! Love your music Ren!


I absolutely love watching reactions of all Rens vids 👊👍


I've seen 25+ reaction videos just to see their reactions. I was the same my first time through the trilogy. It's AMAZING. I've been sharing it with everyone I know! I would love another but you do you mate. Keep up the amazing art you put out.