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I visited many beautiful villages in Tuscany, and one thing for sure about French villages is it has this peace which is not found in other places. When I visited Entrechaux in France, I found this peace and tranquillity. I was sitting under a tree on a bench and looking at the bright blue sky with the passing clouds, Just as soon as I closed my eyes I heard the children playing and laughter.. I heard the wind blow with the noise of the leaves with a loud hissing noise... coming as waves of sounds. It was truly a spiritual experience at that moment. For a second I felt I was not present in my body, but in fact it was a connection to the nature and the tranquility of that environment. When I opened my eyes and looked around, it didn't feel the same as though I was experiences these moments of joy with my eyes closed. Who says that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, Beauty can be experienced with our eyes closed and is always with us, we just need a quiet place to look within us. Ironically I had to travel several thousand miles to experience this tranquility, love France.. Thanks! Eze France for this wonderful video.


Как я обожаю такие улочки , где нет высоких строений Чудесная природа и пения птиц , это супер


هي بحق اجمل القرى  الفرنسية كل ما يقع عليه بصرك يذهلك هندسة معمارية قديمة ولكنها جميلة جدا ازقتها  يفوح منها عطر الورد والزهور  والسير فيها يفرغ من قلبك كل الأتعاب التي عانيتها وانت تبحث عنها  من أعلى سطوحها تعشق مناظرها الطبيعية الممتدة يمينا ويسارا
لصاحب الفديو الف تحية وسلام


Смотрю и пересматриваю . Отдыхаю душой и сердцем


Beautiful village tour. Europe and Europeans must preserve their values,culture and heritage. Love from India


Просто РАЙСКОЕ место, здесь наверное живут люди поцелованные БОГОМ, как хочется здесь жить, , благодарю за экскурсии


I visited many beautiful villages in Tuscany, and one thing for sure about French villages is it has this peace which is not found in other places. When I visited Entrechaux in France, I found this peace and tranquillity. I was sitting under a tree on a bench and looking at the bright blue sky with the passing clouds, Just as soon as I closed my eyes I heard the children playing and laughter.. I heard the wind blow with the noise of the leaves with a loud hissing noise... coming as waves of sounds. It was truly a spiritual experience at that moment. For a second I felt I was not present in my body, but in fact it was a connection to the nature and the tranquility of that environment. When I opened my eyes and looked around, it didn't feel the same as though I was experiences these moments of joy with my eyes closed. Who says that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, Beauty can be experienced with our eyes closed and is always with us, we just need a quiet place to look within us. Ironically I had to travel several thousand miles to experience this tranquility, love France.. Thanks! Eze France for this wonderful video. 💚


Как красиво и душевно. В таком раю хочется жить.  Смотришь и душа отдыхает, замирает. Просто чудо.


Спасибо   за.  увлекательное.   путешествие   по   красивой.  деревне.    ФРАНЦИИ




Идеальная чистота. Очень красиво. Это наверно не только во Франции и наверно самая красивая деревня нашей планеты. Очень очень понравилось. И очень хочется там побывать. Спасибо большое за это видео. Удачи вам.


Прекрасный, виртуальный отдых - прекрасная прогулка, спасибо !!!


The cactus and flowers gardens were beautiful along with the bird song. Thank you for showing us.




Спасибо за прекрасное путешествие! Завораживает! Чисто, уютно, по- домашнему комфортно. Мне очень понравилось! Здоровья вам и удачи каналу! Всех благ! Благодарю!


What a church! Thank you so much for showing us this village in such high quality and that amazing church interior. You can feel the devotional mood from all the monks and visitors over the centuries, and that incredible angelic ambient choir music was simply magical.


Regarding Eze ... I have thoroughly enjoyed your walk thru and believe I could get lost walking up and down through those delicious streets with all the nooks and  crannies.  It is something that I will never be able to do either physically or financially so I am thrilled to have found your site and will recommend it to all the other armchair travelers I know. Thank you❤


I went there in 2015, the view from Jardin Exotique d'Eze is amazing, Eze is a must see if you are ever in the south of France.


Боже, какая красота! Гармония во во всем, просто великолепие!!!! Божественно!!!!