
Every person watching this from a non english-speaking country: Damn am I a superhero?


I speak both English and Spanish. The English side of my brain is helping me learn German, while the Spanish side of my brain is helping with Italian.


"Duolingo prepares you for real conversations"
The cat cutting my hair:


If you speak two languages, you're bilingual
If you speak more than two, you're a polyglot
If only speak one language, you're american


I think Duolingo is great for taking a fist step into the new language but then you quickly need to get different inputs, films, books, and real speaking praktice. The max niveau to reach is quite low.


My mom taught my siblings and I Spanish. She had no English speaking rule unless it was for school work or watching a show. She wanted us to be bilingual because we would go to Mexico every week to visit family. I'm so glad she taught us.


never heard bilingual pronounced in 4 syllables


Being Korean, 
speaking Chinese, 
learning Spanish in English, 
getting help from Spanish with learning Italian
+help from English with German

and I got my ego boost with this video




Speaking from personal experience, I find the human brain's ability to distinguish languages incredible. Even if I can't understand a single word of a language, I can usually tell what language it is. And I think this is true for most people as well. Pattern recognition is a hell of a thing 😀


I study languages, and I have found that practicing shorthand scripts also gets my brain stimulated in a similar way.


Belgians be like: dutch, french, english, german.


My multilingYOUalism helped me focus on the video and not let his pronunciation bother me.


Love this video! (Perfect for all language teachers to demonstrate the value of learning languages! 🤭) Growing up with three languages didn’t make me feel any smarter 😅, but I really enjoy learning languages, especially when I can use them in real life to connect with people and cultures. That’s what keeps me motivated. Thanks again for this great video!


The way I see it, if you speak/understand more than 1 language you have superpowers. I am a norweigan, we learn english in primary school. I was speaking english before third grade tho cause I had family in Canada who would teach me. I speak some German, I understand a lot of spanish even tho I quit taking it 6 months into my second year of high school, and I also have a facination for fictional languages (Elvish, Dothraki, Klingon, that sort of thing). The more languages you are able to or willing to learn, the more you will understand languages you DONT speak. It's a weird thing, but it's true.


I speak English fluently and started learning Japanese when I was 14, I’m now 20. Learning it from such an early age I was able to cement fundamental grammar into my brain, which is nice seeing as Japanese and English are polar opposites in how they express information.


Love the video ! Really motivates to learn more languages !


The way he says bilingual reminds me of Marcia Brady saying SKEWL


I am blessed to have been born in the Montreal area to an anglophone father and a francophone mother. It is extremely common to find a Montrealer who speaks both English and French (like me), and also not uncommon to find new immigrants to Canada who speak English, French and whatever language or languages are from their originating country.


I love your animations! Adding this channel right next to Lead Learn Leap. You guys have similar animated videos with informative knowledge ^^ Love it