The way she talks about technical vocal training is fascinating! She killed it as Glinda, she really put in the work, and this is the peak of her career so far.
you can clearly see when she is talking about something she masters in. she felt so comfortable and at ease when started talking about her vocal training for glinda. i love her and her expertise so much 🩷
Ariana’s mother is brilliant! She knew not to leave her 8 year old alone in that world! Kudos to Mama Grande!!
she is so frickin cute. i’ve been a fan for over 12 years now and i just love her more and more everyday
The OGBYN call had me in stitches. You would almost forget those huge superstars have to go to these appointments. 😂
the way she talks about the technical vocal training is so interesting! she killed it as glinda, she really put the work in and this is the height of her career thus far
the sparkly pink rem eyeshadow is putting in the WORK alongside the glossy balm. she looks radiant 😭
I’m so very proud & glad that she is finally expressing / opening up to us about the fact that Wicked & Glinda really changed her life for good. I can literally look at her & tell how much Glinda & Wicked has meant to her. She looks so extremely happy & healthy again. She’s literally glowing so beautifully & radiating so much pure happiness & joy. Honesty, happiness & joy looks so MF good on her. ✨🖤 // I literally grew up watching this woman on Victorious & Sam & Cat & I literally listened to her music throughout the years & Now, She is officially an Oscar nominated actress !!! Words cannot describe how proud & happy I truly am for you Ariana. You really deserve it so much ! You definitely worked so very hard ! You played Glinda so very well. 🫧🩷🥹😭
she is so lucky to be able to actualize her potential with these amazing talents in her lifetime
Absolutely fantastic. Never in my life have I followed a press tour or interview circuit, Wicked/Ari’s performance has forever changed me. She literally has it all. Brilliant. Bloody brilliant.
I love that Aris mom was like.hell no, I'm not leaving my 8 yr old. I'll play a bit part just to watch her. You ain't slick, lol
She did so well as Glinda. I was so impressed
She is so naturally talented in so many ways. She's so smart and witty and doesn't take herself too serious. Love her. ❤
I love that Ari has a supportive fam. I can just see her badass mother taking no crap!!! Her guidance and involvement with Ariana as a child probably protected her in ways they cant even imagine.
I adore Arianna. Shes being an example to young minds, and conscious of the audience viewing the stages she graces. She’s absolutely iconic. She’s also real too. Much love to ya girl, I’m pining for you to win at the Oscars!
Not really a big Ariana Grande fan but after seeing her in Wicked.. I believe she is set to win this year's Best Supporting Oscars. Her performance in the movie was stellar! And now, I love her!
Her humour is so subtle, yet HILARIOUS! So proud of her excelling in her acting career. I missssss her performing so much though, hope she gets to do that soon too! ❤️
Live singing No AI usage did her own stunts and what not, she played Glinda really well, Oscar is hers she truly deserves to win ❤
She’s so funny without even trying.😂😂😂😂 💗 love her