
2:02 its starts here


This is very helpful bro because of you i learned so much about CODM


You are very underrated bro. You deserve more subs and views


I love playing the game but I never had proper sensitivity settings and I wish I knew English it would be easier to understand and adjust πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚β€


This person deserves a subscribe! I became a snipe god when i watched this video!


Thank you bro i can bully pro player now even im 4 years in codm im still 2 fingers thanks for this


Omg tysm! I watched this youtuber and saw that he was supper good, so I copied his exact sense and it was soo bad and I needed my perfect sense you helped me alot man tysm! ❀


New Sub πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ 
Are you using sync Ads to scope?


When determining sensitivity, place your finger at the first position on the right screen. 2:36


Thank bro foa your help now I a pro now with all of yours video I watch I become a pro bro thank you bro I wish we can 1 v 1 in anytime bro ❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀


Thank you bro i really need this to my m4 gild royal and rpd


I'm watching this to get better than my brother πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€


Dang I really like the JJK opening remix background music


Question. When you say change the sensitivity so you can turn 180 degrees, how do you test it? Do I swipe from the left edge of my screen to the right?


Thank you you just earned a sub😊😊


Hey bro im your fan i follow your hud in your last video


Because I prefer fov 72, I also have to be less sensitive with the Sniper Scope, otherwise it will be too much and won't hit particularly from a distance


Bro is the background music from jjk season opening but no voice ? πŸ˜…


The last time i watched a video like this, it was from hawksnest. That guy made a video very similar to this.

Good video by the way. πŸ‘


Bro how to reduce swapping position,,, i mean the body movement???  if i use the finger gloves and tap on the screen my body moves so faster,,,

I hope i explain you properly..