
Omg. I used to draw cars like this as a kid. Amazing


Designers- We need more blindspots


The history of this car is amazing. This is the concept vehicle that came out 3 years before the production version. It most recently estimated at 5 million in 2020. It was such a hit it is said to have inspired many amazing cars that came out in the next 3-4 years. Thank you for posting this video giving me a reason to look it up!


It’s amazing how it can look both classic and futuristic at the same time.


なんて 美しい車体!  子供の頃に 初めて見て 今も 美しいと見惚れるよ


В детстве я о ней только слышал,даже не верится,что это творение 1970 г.


È un prototipo di Bertone disegnato dal compianto Marcello Gandini( disegnatore di  Lamborghini Miura, Countach, Diablo, Alfa Romeo Montreal, Fiat X1/9) con meccanica Lancia Fulvia 1.6 e presentata al salone di Torino nel 1970😊


Designed by my #1 hero, Mr Marcello Ghandini at Bertone. For me this is the best concept car in the world. Thanks.


Thanks Marcello, you made the best car ever ❤


И жива и прекрасна и едет выше всяких похвал молодцы сохранили 🤝😎💪💪💪💪💪💪💪


I had this as a matchbox car in the same colour. For me, this is still "The car".


I have not seen one in the last 30yrs 
Real sweet!!


Kool. Reminds me of that custom Pink Panther car..


The 70s were the height of futuristic art and design concepts, along with some of the best science fiction writers. Splendid car, she's the Mona Lisa of Auto's.


Sweet Lord, what an incredible machine!
I remember playing a computer game in the 90's where the Lancia Stratos was one of the fastest cars. I can't for the life of me remember which game it was 🤔


The aerodynamics are strong with this one!


Прекрасное творение Марчелло Гандини


Immer noch super futuristisch, auch fast 55 Jahre nach Erscheinen.


Marcello Ghandini was one hell of an automotive artist. Definitely up there with the greats. ❤


futurist concept!!!!
in real time 🔥 🔥