
Think what a chore it was to travel rough country in bad weather while keeping those cartridges intact.  Makes one appreciate modern ammo.


Those cartidges burning up in the barrel leave them unbelievably dirty. You ever seen those Looney Toons cartoons where somebody like Elmer Fudd gets shot in the face and there's just this black powder completely covering them? One time as a kid as part of scouts were was cleaning out a rifle that had been using cartridges like these out out and one boy used a bit too much oomph and his face and chest were just covered in grimy black.


Behold. The caseless ammunition


This is why waxed canvas bags and linseed oil cloths were huge for the union army and helped them basically outpreform the southerners who used cotton and leather bags non treated. Thats where the idea for the material called Duck Skin and Platypus skin came from. Oiled and waxed canvas that doesnt snag on brush and is water repellant. The union army also used the bags pioneered by Charles McIntosh in which had a few layers of canvas wax treated with a layer of rubber woven between.


Honestly, kind of awesome to see the slow, continuous march or progress, even in something as seemingly straightforward as a bullet cartridge. Loose powder sucks, put it in a flask, flasks suck, make pre measured loads in a tear open paper tube, instead of tearing the cartridge open let's just shove it in the gun and let the gun tear it up, what if the paper was treated so we didn't need to tear it, and so on to modern ammo.

Really cool that you seem to be walking through the developments by showing off cool cowboy guns. Have you considered doing a collation of your shorts about old school ammo/loading in chronological order to show off the evolutionary path?


Couldn't imagine having to keep these dry from damp weather while marching or on a battlefield. Like the top comment says, it makes you appreciate modern ammo cartridges


"Oohhh, look at you fancy pants, you're using LINEN cartridges, you're so refined"
"Knock it off Jebediah"
"You knock it off, those linen cartridges costed the regiment three meals"


I trust your opinion and am/was interested in paper cartridges. That said l purchased a deluxe kit to make revolver cartridges. 
My experience was less than stellar. My not a goofus. But my glue did not stick. Everything fell apart and the paper did not burn, clogging the chambers. I can reload modern cartridges, do complex electronics, but paper cartridges eludes me. I’m just running loose powder and ball. 

So! Congratulations to you. Best of luck!

Fox out


I'm in love with this type of content


so many people want to sell modern medical practices as "the greatest since sliced bread", but we forget where we came from with the basics like fulminated mercury or arsineated lead for basic chemical reactions  😂


We are starting to figure out polymer cased ammo so we are almost back to where it started 😂


Very informative and well said keep ur powder dry


It turns out caseless cartriges were invented centuries ago😮


Caseless ammo, 1860s style


Caseless ammo. Wondeful if a bit lacking in durability.


For a moment I thought it was Joe Rogan speaking 😅


Caseless. Ammunition.


So is this nitrated paper in the sense that it was soaked in a saturated solution of nitrates and then dried, or is this properly nitrated as in it being nitrocellulose?


They need to bring it back. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it!


It would be cool to see what the accuracy of these rifles is under sustained fire.