
He finna be throwing blackbeard around like Garp does cannonballs


Robins fruit and poison fruit allows you to Insta teleport poison onto his body as much as you want and create poison clones. Considering Magellan’s most lethal poison melts stone instantly I think it will be hard for Blackbeard unless he uses black hole all the time. But then you got Lucci combat skill combined with lunarian body and fleet admiral haki to hit him with. I think current Blackbeard takes the L


Robin’s df 
Lucci’s skill
Doffy’s iq
U can literally use the df to max potential


Buggy D. Clown in any category is an instant win almost as strong as Bepo.


Hana Hana no mi is one of the strongest fruits in all of one piece give it to someone physically strong and with Haki and it can roll so many people


Doffy's IQ carries bro, your character will just sprout hands all over blackbeard, coat them with haki to nullify his nullification and then coat them with poison to kill him instantly


Well buggy survived multiple point blank explosions so he actually has decent durability. Similar to other comedic characters like usopp


You Just made the world's strongest assassin, a burning poisonous Genius With immense Strengh and that can create clones and spawn attacks at the enemy


You can spawn poison covered hands that are coated in advanced armament all around his body and because of the Yami Yami no mi he'll be in so much pain he may not be able to fight properly.


With Akainu's haki, Robin's devil fruit and Rob Lucci's combat skill that finger pistol gonna hurts so bad 💀


From what we've seen so far, you have a good chance at success, but idk man, Blackbeard looks like he's got something up his sleeve.


Lucci's Combat skill with Magellan's Devilfruit is VERY dangerous.


We havent seen much but there is no doubt that Akainu knows advanced armament and observation


I mean... mixing Robin's fruit with Magellans is pretty insane


Robin and magellans Devil fruit combined may be the actual most overpowered combo possible. You could just spawn arms on them and drown them in poison. Not even kaido is drinking Magellan’s poison and surviving


He has great strength, haki, iq, combat skill, body, and two great devil fruits but he got that buggy durability💀💀💀


Don't forget Buggy took a direct blow at balls from Luffy and still survived 💀


Everybody gangsta till blackbeard uses off-screen haki


I got so happy you finally won on my fyp


the bara bara no mi is a great combo for the Hana Hana no mi, imagine a thousand hands flying around and you can control them all