
Knowing that thiicy didn't know how to tie his shoes before going to america is hilarious.


"Theres an anime woman with huge- " Immediately cuts to Bob Ross


Bro im so happy for you man, you are such a nice person and deserve all of this thanks for being you man ❤❤


Manifesting THIXXY to become an in-game commentator 🤞


Welcome to the states bro, hope you had a good times. this was really fun to watch, great job


I live in the Philippines and can't really travel for hobbies as of the moment, so I'm thanking you for making these vlogs!


oscar lock in be like:


11:46 - the finals mouse pad. please have this on sale


First video I watched of this channel
Creator roasting himself in the intro is up there as a good impression


I thoroughly enjoy the heck out of these vlogs; keep 'em coming! Next series: we get THiiXY American citizenship. :)


'Fair portion sizes' Bro that was HUGE!!!😂


Daaaaaaaamn Oscar calling you a zoomer is craaaaaaaaazy hahaha


Oh my GOOOOSH, I so wish I was there at the time. I used to live in California and this would’ve SO been worth the drive😭


This is so great, must've been so cool! <3


good posture👍


Seeing you go to taco centro is tragic. Tacos El Gordo is RIGHT THERE 😂


crazy trailer reaction


Nice Vlog! Normal im not a fan of vlog´s but yours is insanly well made Brother <3


I liked the video once I saw the food review intro


“I hope that I see at least one person that knows me”
