
💗Hey everyone! Thank you so much for watching and being lovely :) I hope you are fine! What do you liked the most in this makeover? Do you also like thrifting? Love, Katha 😀


Congratulations! The makeover (and video) is splendidly done 😊


Oh my goodness I just love everything about your studio makeover!  It’s what I imagine mine would look like too!  ❤❤


Thank you for the inspiration. My art studio/office is so crowded and uninviting, now I have the desire to change it up so I want to run to the studio everyday.


Jetzt habe ich so richtig Lust mir einen kreativen Raum im neuen Haus einzurichten 🎉


beautiful makeover! i love it its so cozy ❤


I loved your inspiration for your makeover.  I am about to makeover my space and did get some great take away.  Thank you 💕💕


فديو جميل🌿
مساحة جميلة ستوديو جميل❤


I'm watching this video with such a big smile on my face. 
Lumito looks so cute sunbathing in the garden ❤ 
Lots of love for the three of you ❤


From the beginning of the video till the end..everything was lovely to watch 🌻🧡


What a gorgeous transformation! 🙌💖 May you have many happy hours there 💖


Nice video! Loved your choice of music 😊


What a lovely and cozy studio you created!  I just found your channel- you’ve inspired me to go organize mine!😄


It’s beautiful 💙


I'm very happy to have found your channel☺ I was really interested to see the cleaning of the room where creativity is born. And you managed to beautifully transform your workspace🥰 What wonderful books you have about Van Gogh and Monet! It's a delight😍 Are these autobiographies or are there photographs of their work as well?
Thank you for your wonderful vlog🤍 I will look forward to your next video with pleasure🤗


Gerade über deinen Kanal gestolpert und gleich mal abonniert + 🔔 natürlich.  😁❤️👍


I enjoyed the video and you did a great job but let me give you some advice as it also had me almost turning off: you don’t need to tell us every time something is thrifted. You can just say, these are my really handy jars and take out the “thrifted jars” or  “handy jars I thrifted” or whatever variation. It got to a point of comedy with how much you said thrifted and gets to be off-putting! Not that thrifting is bad-  on the contrary for those of us on tight budgets- but saying it all the time makes it feel like you are overly apologizing for the things you have, as if for your very existence, and so on. Ok, we got it! It starts to feel awkward! So please consider, there is really no need to say that. I’m saying this for helping you consider it as an outsider listening to you. It doesn’t make one feel joyful but kind of depressed for you and for us. I hope this makes sense. I really do wish you the best and want to see you succeed so please take this for a useful tips in resonating with your audience. Thanks.