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New decoy is FIRE.  And i love the idea of having 2 decoys on hand to see who the test subject is vibing with.


Did anyone else notice how heartbreaking his voice was as he walked out the door yelling "make that money ___"?


"Don't put your trust in me. You don't know me" is crazyyyyyyy


The way she tried to gaslight him and (literally) tried to point the blame at the decoy made my jaw drop


Wowww, her personality changed so fast... she seemed shy and sweet at first, I really thought she was gonna pass.


She hit him with the 'Get off me' (4:28) like he was a stranger on the street, then turned around and gave the decoy her whole autobiography. 🚩🚩🚩


The decoy was natural. 
 He was on point and knew exactly what to say.


I thought he was lying about not knowing she danced, till he confronted her and asked.


If they fail the test, the decoy should pretend dating them for weeks and later let them know it was a test πŸ˜‚ so they can feel the heartbreak too


Sometimes I fantasize about these types of videos happening to me so I can show how loyal I am and get infinite girlfriend aura😭


She failed with flying colors…  πŸ’€.  Sergio you are sneaky DAWG  saying she could be a good decoy πŸ˜‚πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™€οΈ


"she shaking ass for money" - "she didn't say it, she didn't say it" Segrio out here giving ppl the benefit of the doubtπŸ˜‚


When buddy almost tripped at the end 29:38 the cameraman pointed at the ground to show that he tripped on a step what a homie πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™ŒπŸ½


God, the way she walks ..girl you dont have to arch your back so much πŸ˜‚


this test genuinely made my jaw drop every second like it just kept getting worse 😭😭😭😭😭


I like how the guys all stood up for the boyfriend. ❀ He dodged a bullet.


I’m more impressed with how De’Lon read the room and left without letting his ego keep him around to win her over


Not deylon practising what he would have said from the back room πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Her attitude is gross as heck. She doesn’t even care if he’s hurt.. you have to tell your partner everything if you want that trust and to be trusted.