
Beautiful episode. Best moment of the pod goes to 'Parota is your only vice'. Also, market forces demand pinkly clad hosts, if not diversity.


Fantastic episode yet again, gents
Kudos to you for picking up a madly difficult topic and delivering such a coherent episode - could clearly see how you were out of your comfort zone for large periods of time and yet you put yourself out there to think things through for the listeners. Can only hope you do this kind of stuff more often - helps all of us learn more and be better. Cheers!


Love your podcast, but I had a few issues with this video.

You mention that cancel culture is only performative, but you yourself bring the example of Puma pulling out of sponsoring israel due to pressure. Comparing cancel culture to mob "justice" is extremely harsh, cancel culture is merely a re-assertion of a collective power that has become available due to the internet, the power of "striking" online. This has led to significant improvements and change in things people say and feel they can get away with, especially in private.  You will hear much less people using "Paki" as a slur against brown people in england, or using blackface in a party of white people any more.

And it is important to remember that in 99% of cases this is just boycotts and tweets, it is not a lynching as might happen to a muslim person. If it "misfires" and say over-exerts against a person who either may not have done so or have other redeeming qualities, it is fine, they are really not affected to the extent that the talk on this issue would have you think. As with all things that go viral, cancel culture started in black culture as a means to warn other black people of people who they should be wary of. This is a system that women have used for decades even before me-too.

And lastly, Obama saying everyone is flawed is quite insidious, and as is usual with "enlightened" centrists like Obama, frames anyone to the left of them as being naive to the point of being stupid. And of course it breaks down even under the mildest scrutiny. Even Obama would not consider p***ph***a to be a "flaw" that everyone has. Even obama has lines that he may or may not make explicit. It is just that other people have decided to be more clear about their lines. They want sexual assault and violence to be included, they want black face to be included, they want protecting sexual abusers to be included and so on. Obama, I will remind you has done the most heinous drone killings in Afghanistan and lied about the water in Flint, Michigan being drinkable. It is very easy for the "model" centrist like him to come and scold people who are putting in more effort than he is. Obama did not make the MeToo movement happen, did he? Even a million Obamas would not precipitate something like that. And therein lies the problem with his quite insidious framing.