Bro the way you rollout an album is crazy 💯


ORDER AT https://www.sickboialbum.com/

Shipping note: the shipping date on orders outside of the UK won’t be until early November 2023. This is due to vinyl manufacturing timelines. 

UK will aim to receive in release week if you pre-order. Big thanks to Packaged Sounds and Lawrie at Curve Pusher for turning this around!


Let's Goooooo! Got mine ordered! Big shout out to Ren for working hard to make vinyls available! 👏❤️


I just ordered my album! Yippie 🎉😊


Does the fact that I want it make me a pig consumer of waste and against everything you stand for Ren? The pig making is because we all asked for it makes me feel like I am falling into a trap. You are providing us our wants and we just keep asking for more and more with our gluttony. Damn it. Crossroads and choices.

Edit: I am joking. I have no issue with supporting Ren and his amazing team with my piggish consumerism. I would much rather my money go to Ren, his art, and passing his message to the world than any corporation. I am all in on this Animal Farm and 1984 message to the world and his opposition to what has happened in the world political arena the past few years. I am here for it.


And you got another immediate order. Thank you Ren.


Might as well get that one as well 😅 And look at the good Mr. pig helping, four legs good, two legs bad!


OH MY DEAR GOD!! I HAVE LITERALLY NEVER BEEN THIS EXCITING FOR AN ALBUM to get released! I've been waiting as patiently as possible. I ordered mine on 08/07


Ordered 🔥🔥🔥 can not wait to hear this blasting out💜


YES! I was just thinking damn I wish I could listen without commercials interrupting the flow!


Yes!!!!! Vinyl!!! Ordered that sick mof**ing piece of art! ❤❤❤❤❤


Going to order right away! Thank you for doing vinyl, I can't wait!
Hope you're doing well today, Ren. ❤


Just ordered my special edition, been praying for this! If you could just re-release Demo Vol One on vinyl now, that’ll be great thanks… (already got Demo Two) 👌


Never ordered anything so quick before haha nice one mate xxx


So excited for these to be out!!


And sneaky little t-shirts as well. Nice touch.   Bring on the postman in October


Got my special edition.... So excited


Legend.. cheers BRUV!


Super! Already ordered the special edition! Looking forward to an early Xmas present to myself😊


Thank you Ren…ordered the full set 😊 Roll on October!