
May you reconnect to your most replenishing sense of wonderful self love and inner confidence, as you rest and relax within a blissfully serene, deep and healing night of tranquil sleep. I hope you'll benefit from and enjoy this sleep hypnosis experience, and feel free to join me on my channel: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=MichaelSealey
You may also love relaxing with this next video: https://youtu.be/vWlf_rh7xFY
Happy & Peaceful sleep :)


I dont comment often cause I mostly just press play and go to bed but I just want you to know I deeply deeply love and appreciate your work.


Could it be ?!!! 
A new Michael Sealey video ! 
Soooo happy !! 
Thank you Michael   . You are so appreciated . ❤


Up until now you never knew I existed. But just know that there are probably countless people just like me that you have helped at a magnitude I can’t even put to words so powerful.  I don’t know your reasoning to become a hypnotist but that single decision probably saved so many you couldn’t even imagine. You have a gift, thank you for sharing it with the world. I know I for one, am so grateful. I’m an aspiring hypnotist and you are the example I will look up to. I truly mean that. I hope one day I can share with someone the magic you just shared with me.


I love this community. not a single video has negative comments. I look forward to reading the comments and stories from my fellow “sealers” on how these have helped them overcome so much and how grateful we all are to be subscribed to Michael. 
Only community I wanna be apart of haha 😂


wake up babe new Michael Sealey vid dropped


Hey  man!!

Great to hear your voice again!!!

Everyone will be very happy to hear you. 

Thank you in advance!!!

Hope you are doing well in life.


To the man who always relaxes & puts us to rest. Much love and respect!! ❤


micheal sealy, you've gotten me through the darkest times of my life. there was a point in my life (3 years or so) where i couldn't be alone with my thoughts. the late nights i couldn't sleep, couldn't bare my self and my own mind. your voice, your words, was the only thing bringing me comfort, knowing i wasn't alone. through the darkest depression, the tears, and the fear of my own mind, you were the only one there for me. i'm here to thank you, because right now in this moment, i realize that i haven't heard your voice in a long time. and for that, im so grateful. i've found peace within myself, because of you. so today im hearing you again, for the peace, the comfort, and the love that got me through when i needed somebody the most. thank you for being here.


Hey Michael been watching your videos since 2015, I'm a recovering alcoholic with 6 years of sobriety in your videos helped a lot. Actually a day before this video dropped I recommended your videos at my new job as a peer counselor.


I am so happy you are back. I was beginning to get worried. Please dont stay gone so long. We all missed you. I hope all is well with you. So, so very glad to hear from you again. I appreciate all you do.


Michael, I discovered your channel about three months ago. I was suffering from depression and anxiety. Ever since I’ve been listening to your sleep hypnosis videos I’ve made tremendous improvement. Thank you for creating another video… This is exactly what I needed. You are a blessing. 😇


For many years, I had severe traumas and gradually lost myself, my self worth, self esteem, self trust, self love.
I am trying to heal and find peace and happiness I still remember I felt long time ago, before I had my health, loving family, trust in people, faith in god, peace and safety, including financial. I almost didn’t make it. Tried medications, but didn’t work for me, just increased health problems, CBT therapy helped me to get out of dark depression. Somatic exercises are little helpful, but these take up energy of which I am completely depleted being in a ‘freeze’ state for so long. But I am surviving, one day at the time, trying to live in the present and trust myself.
I accepted, that life is suffering, everybody suffers, and Moderation is the key to peace. Listening to these videos doesn’t require much, it is relaxing, helps me to get some sleep, and better feelings afterwards. Thank you Michael. 
Peace and love to everybody on this healing journey. ❤


Much love to anyone going to sleep. May this be the most restful, transformative sleep for your best self 🤍


Your meditations and your voice are what made me overcome a big emotional trauma a few years ago. That was also the first time I discovered these types of sleep meditations. I’m one of those who doesn’t comment so often but I had to let you know how grateful I am for you. I grew up without a father and your voice was like a father talking to me, soothing my anxiety. Thank you thank you thank you💜


I was actually worried about you, not posting anything for months. I only discovered your channel, your work a year ago and you taught me so much. You opened a new inner world for me, helped me to fix a few problems and helped to ask new questions. Thank you so much for this.


I love you Michael Sealey. God has given you a healing voice and the ability to write healing words. Thank you deeply ❤️🙏


Look at all these lovely comments, Michael ❤️ the love is real because of the healing and peace that you bring to us. Like everyone else, I am very grateful for a new video and am glad you’re back ❤️✨❤️


To the great Michael Sealey

I am a budding therapist and it’s been quite a long journey getting here. Lots of self growth and healing. I hit a rock bottom of sorts just before this dropped, and it had been quite a few months since I’d used your guided hypnosis which I have probably recommended to well over dozens of people by now. I’ve been listening to this particular hypnosis before bed for the last couple of months and I cannot emphasize how timely your release of this meditation was for me. I was able to adopt it into my routine, as I have your hypnosis in the past, and my confidence has sky rocketed. I nailed my interviews this past week (I just graduated with a masters in CMHC in August) and I promise to share your work as much as humanly possible. Like many in these comments, you’ve been there for me during fundamental points of change in my life (heart ache, grief, health issues, suicidal ideation, loss) and I just can’t thank you enough. I’m so happy and certainly not surprised to see such a wonderful comment section for such a stand up human. 

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for helping me get some rest, Michael.


If you ever stop making videos I will hunt you down Mr. Sealey!!! lol Thanks for all you do! I have the best sleep with your videos 💗