
...forgotten cities in high heavens...unknowing music instruments showing the safe way... the skies smiling to you...the Sun and Golden Angels embrance each of us...☀️🙏


this music 🎶 makes my legs feel warm and I can feel a response from this through out my lower body that is like no other time in my life!! thank you !  🙏🏽 I feel more grounded and ❤ more rooted and planted than I have in a while


If you're reading this right now, know that the universe has something beautiful in store for you. No matter what challenges you’re facing, brighter days are ahead. Believe in your strength, trust in the journey, and embrace the possibilities that tomorrow holds. Keep your heart open to joy, and let hope guide you towards the happiness you deserve. 🎉


In my truths to keep striving. For myself in every sense of the word in my truths. And in my abundance and bliss as it unfolds and thankful


I'm doing shadow work right now and just hit a deeply painful childhood memory that I've never dealt with and one that made a huge impression that has hindered me and crippled me since.  As a 6 yr old, my parents sat me between them and asked me to choose whom I'd live with.  Either my dad, who I absolutely adored and loved but lived in Utah, or my mom, who is also a beautiful soul, that lived in Idaho.   I chose my mom for all of the reasons a 6-year-old could determine, and I saw and felt my Dad's heartbreak!
  Now as a 55 yr old woman I can't put myself or my needs first or feel a horrible guilt, a deep sense of shame and a feeling of unworthyness of good because I hurt someone I loved so much the first time I did.  Today is the first time I've ever said that out loud.  My inner child is so afraid of hurting anyone that I will suffer the worst situations to make sure no one else has to.  It's time to move forward and let that go, but it's so scary. 
 If you read this and think of me, please send love and light as my inner little girl self needs it.  Thank you.


Living my bliss being a product of yoga and living yoga. By my montra in my truths. On my path


All that comes mind. Are my revalations. In my truths unfolding full circle in living thriving and also me getting ahead in life and the life I desire to live on my path in gratefulness to the universe heavens and also my abundance


My oneness with the universe in my truths in my montra to live by on my path. Living and living it


thank you for making this simple, without what can feel like annoying fluff that's in a lot of heart chakra balancing peices. I can focus on the inside of my body without being pulled into my ears and head so much. much gratitude and respect 😊


Thoughts are like birds if you want to get rid of negative thoughts just do not feed them, if you fight them, you would only feed them Attention, Anger, love, all emotiond feed thoughts, to have a free mind let all thoughts flow free, do not fear them, they do not hurt you, they are not real if the one Above does not want them to be real, your Anger, your negative emotions, Trauma, all These Things, do not fight them, ignore them, they will flow like a small wave and be gone, Madness is the Cure master the chaos by letting it flow, do not attach to your thoughts, remember you are not your thoughts your ego or your mind These Things are just structures, These structures can Change.


Being every thing I'm suppose to be in every sense of the word in my truths and living my truths. Living my montra to the letter. Also my divinity. With a host gratitude to send up to the heavens also the universe in my revalations as it all unfolds as do I blossoming in my becoming on my path


Brings about a serene, relaxed state of well being❤


Beautiful image & sounds 🏆✨


❤thank you for your generosity❤


All the flowers of the tomorrows are in the seeds of today.

– Indian Proverb


I've had several 1:1 sessions with Laura and I highly recommend it. 🌺


Please make a soft lofi version video on Vishnu Sahastranaam and Shanti Path. Thank you 😊


Root & sacral Chakra meditation. Just just us two.