
Thanks for putting this out- love my pair!


So the DAC is built in, but would I be able to use external DAC and then wire it drom the DAC to the speakers using RCA cables? Would that by pass the built in DAC?


Incredible how some people spend on highend gear then limit the sound quality with compressed Spotify.

Instead, it's much better to use a lossless streaming source like Apple Music.


Pricy. Enjoyed the review as always.


@Smart Home Sounds - How would you compare these to the KEF LS60s?


No doubt these speakers are made of some serious materials and also handmade. 
Then, there is years of competence in the mix to consider. 
I have heard these, and know owners as well, but in reality, you do not need to justify how you spend your money but these speakers need to be justified for their cost.

Only for the seriously not short of money music lover.
I am thinking of what the hell to pair these with..! Pre, Slave, custom made amp! ( I am old school…cables everywhere, rather than wireless and Bluetooth as is the norm now )
Cutting edge tech, no doubt.
Great review indeed.
By the way, do we suppose that by manufacturing these in China, and assembled elsewhere ( Italy…), the expense has been reduced..?
Just asking.
Finally, I would love to see a speaker comparison with these.
Loving your Devialet and Audio Pro speaker even more so. I have the Audio Pro C20 and the Phantom 98db!


He’s cute geez


Isn't it spelt ...SONOS ?