U can just shake up ppl. Lot of lov n gratitude fr this video
courage comes from confidence, and confidence comes from self assurance, but the problem is that self assurance comes from upbringing... you need to cut psychological umbilical cord and raise yourself.
It is possible to access memories of your 3-5yo self and re-imprint this possibilities into your “grown-up” memory. Every one of us is One.
I absolutely love your videos. Been an avid watcher for years! I have definitely been implementing these tips into my own Faith-Based brand! ❤ thank you for sharing
Ur amazing. ❤️🙏👍🥰
This is amazing❤
walk in my shoes before you tell me, im the problem.
Amazing ❤
Most of them are also self righteous
Excellent 👍👍👍👍
Sadly, courage and confidence are a re-enforced habit and a trained skill, not a choice. They can be crippled to the point of irrelevance while the rational mind knows the possibilities and screams in horror.
it is scary that common knowledge is being unlearned with age
Its "antidode" he said ,not "added o to"
But it doesn’t matter if you’re successful or not
nonesense!! biggest bulshit i have ever heard