I'm 13 years old, and I learned to play this when I was 10. I played this for my school talent show, and won first place. Thank you so much Metallica! 🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘
3:31 such a godly build up to a beautiful solo, gives me goosebumps everytime
This is like that one song that everyone seems to know and like regardless of what music they like and what background their from
One of my favorite memories is when I was thirty one, I cranked this hard and was rocking out with my windows down, singing along with it as I drove down the street. I heard someone to my right, looked up, and saw a passenger in a diesel semi truck. They were in their fifties and beating the side of their cab to the beat, and when we made eye-contact, he screamed, "MASTER OF PUPPETS, BABY!!!" and I screamed back at him, "HELL YEAH!!!" and we head-banged until the light turned green. That remains one of my favorite moments in my life, and reminded me that things such as music will always bridge the gap between all generations. Thank you so much for that.
One time when I was walking in school, to my next class, a teacher saw my Metallica shirt, keep in mind I was 12 and had no idea what Metallica was. He asked me about my shirt and told me to listen to this song, i didn't regret it.
Best part — 0:00 — 8:35
Clifford Lee Burton February 10, 1962 – September 27, 1986 Cliff would have been celebrating his 63rd Birthday today. We lost Clifford Lee way, way too soon.. Rock In Peace...
The master of puppets will ALWAYS be pulling your strings
I saw Metallica live in 1988, during the And Justice for All tour. What an amazing show. 😎👍🇺🇲 Master of Puppets is among my favorite Metallica songs.
I’m 73 and get a burst of energy from this.
Im from Brazil. Im 22 yrs old. Listening to this full song by now. So much energy from this song, im hyped.
Mom played this for me in the womb! Here I am 31 years later. ❤ metal never dies
3:32 to the end of the first solo is such a good part. It is such a change in tone and seriously rocks
I wasn’t born for the release of these songs but I still appreciate how much of a masterpiece this is
These lyrics hit so hard for someone with any kind of addiction. "Where's the dreams that I've been after?"
Playing this masterpiece in another dimension is the most epic thing i have ever seen.
I'm 53 and still listening. I first saw Metallica as a teenager!
That masterpiece has it all - crazy riff, unearth rhythm, lovely harmonies and brain-melting fast solo…and yeah - the lyrics, man. That is and was always been my Metallica’s favourite! 🤟🎸🎼
They're still active, that's what i love in Metallica. Best Band