
Update 1: The game is quite short in length at approximately 5-6 hours. 

Obviously there is no refund system on the Switch, but in this series we play the first two hours of a game to see if we would get a refund should such a system exist. Hopefully, these initial impressions will help you decide on whether to buy or not. 

Would We Refund A Short Hike? : https://youtu.be/Bk9KN71GKso

Happy gaming. Glen


I'm gonna grab this largely because I want to show support for the studio, and I want more games based around ancient Indian history/mythology. I've been clamoring for an RPG style game set in the story of Mahabharat!


India's first game 
There were around 3 to 6 developers 
None producer helped them or produced the game bec it was from India and was the first one 
The head of the developer almost ran out of the resource 
The head sold her house to continue the developing of this game 
Full support from my side


You had me at Dante’s Inferno! Plus I feel India and it’s mythology are underutilized in games. IMO


This is indias first mainstream videogame ,,, so kudos


I must confess I didn't wait for a review, because i was sold on it during the Indie world Direct : music, ambiance, design, gameplay... It's rare I buy a game at this price (more than 20€) without reading or viewing a review... but I jumped into it ... and so far so good... but it's always nice to see I didn't made a mistake :-) 
Love the indian vibes of this game, a nice change from  the 1001 nights (but still,  I , as many others, would like a new Prince of Persia)


The thing I like the most on the games with art style and details about ones country is when people from that said country work on it so we can get genuine info and not interpretation or fragments.
Btw...just placed the order on Amazon for AC:NH...so...I wanna see if that will charm me as it did with so much people.
Cheers lads !


I really like this game. The core is good but it's a little rough around the edges. Overall I think visuals are stunning, the combat is excellent while platforming is competent. Could use a little more meat like more items and NPCs and intractable environments, but like I said, I think the core is solid.


I’m 3 hours in and it’s really gorgeous and very fun. Would recommend 👍


Man this didn’t catch my eye during the presentation, but watching this made it a must grab for me


I love the optimism of all these likes before release - you guys are awesome! Mark


The devs went BANKRUPT in making this game.

They DESERVE all our support. 💙💙💙


The creator sold his house for making this game


Super happy to see people admire and appreciate this game. Thanks for the review! Indian devs FTW!! ❤


I dropped a quick holy s comment after seeing your title here because I just bought the game without seeing a review first. It dropped unannounced and someone said it gave them an early GOW vibe. My style of game for certain and the visuals were beautiful at a quick glance. As soon as I started playing it didnt give me the same GOW vibe. Rather an early POP vibe. Which I was just as happy with. I was having trouble with controls. Some trouble hitting the right spot 
for a pole attack. That got better. The more I play the more beautiful the game looks and plays. I really dont regret the
price at all. Like my first boss said told me, If a customer complains about the price you tell 'em the product is so good it would be a bargain at twice the price. Cheers everyone.


भारत में ऐसा गेम बनते हुए देख अच्छा लगा ।
Loved your review 😊


I like this format for you guys being able to react a bit quicker to indi games comming out of nowhere, not having to go through the hoops of minutely rating every aspect of it and giving it a bunch of abstract numbers for those ratings.


I was wondering about this one!

Thank you for this series!


I love the game so far.  The graphics, music, voice acting and story are very engaging. My only complaint is that on the handheld mode, I can't see the legend on the screen that describes what the buttons are used for (i.e. where you select the abilities of the weapon).


Honestly my favorite gaming related channel. You guys do such good work. Keep it up!