
2:05 - Brush
5:20 - Transform tool
6:20 - Selection tool
7:02 - Color
8:51 - Ruler
10:09 - Symmetry tool
11:29 - Shape tool
12:23 - Text tool
13:24 - Predictive tool
14:36 - Perspective guide
16:23 - Layer Panel
18:15 - Shortcuts


omg this is exactly what I was looking for, so helpful. I watched the Japanese video and it’s just as good. Your pronunciation is extremely clear


Without understanding the labels on the screen you made this so very easy to understand from the spoken and actions you took.  Thank you very much!


you outlined the tools and features SO much clearer than in other tutorials!  Thank you!!


Thank you!
I didn't think of looking at tutorials before using this and spent way too much time trying to figure things out. The coloring thing drove me nuts!


The best sketchbook tutorial hands-down


At the risk of repeating what has already been said, you have really breathed life into this app!  You've taught me so much and I truly appreciate your time and effort,  thank you so much.
Keep safe....


You missed something, when you pick the color, you can change it to “invert” and you kind of erase using the same kind of pen you where using, may this be a pencil or an airbrush, so you get the same effect to draw or to erase, giving you extra control, as you still have some erasers, but you can “erase” with an airbrush, a pencil, a textured pattern... it’s very useful for shading and illuminating


Great explaination. This is the best tutorial on tools I have found till date.


One of the best tutorials on Autodesk's features that I've seen. You're very good at this. Thankyou.


Thank you so much for sharing! I have been using this app for a few years now on and off and still learned about some new features from you! 😊


sketchbook is my go-to app!! this video is so under rated!!


So much thank you for this amazing tutorial. I re-watch it time to time as i dont use sketch book constantly , but return to do so time to time. I forget how to use it and then i go back to your tutorial. Take care ❤


Thank you so much! I had no idea about double puck features. 
I think this app is very under appreciated.


I have used Procreate for over a year and I honestly like this so much more.


Thank you so much for the tutorial. It really helps me a lot. I was searching for an alternative app for Procreate but almost all videos are about Procreate. Luckily I found this video. Thank you again ❤️


I've been exploring, experimenting, and trying figuring this app out for years. Never occurred to me to YouTube it. THANK YOU IMMENSELY FOR THIS! I LEARNED SO MUCH! ❤❤❤❤❤


This tutorial was the one I was looking for. Your instructions are very clear and concise. Thank you so much.


This was best tutorial for a beginner like me! It literally made me know very much....thank you❤️


I'm learning i know basics but out of all videos this was by far the most helpful thank you🙏