
Didn’t look like the rifle cared how long it had been.


beautiful rolling block rifle


It's amazing to think that 160 years ago this was cutting edge firearm tech. I can only imagine how a soldier must have felt swapping out his muzzle loader for one of these.


Amazing how something well over a hundred years old works and functions properly..back when things were made right!!


Die Rolling Block war immer mein Traum. Aber der Gallagher Carbine war aber auch gut.


I have one in 50-70. Great old guns.


That thing is absolutely gorgeous


43 Spanish tends to have a few case head separations in a rolling block so be wary when you reload the spent brass and avoid resizing if you have fire form cases that fit


I have a Danish Remington in 45-70 , looks like that.


simple and elegant


Thanks for Sharing    Beautiful Gun


Remington Rolling Block. Use to could buy those worth the money.


I love old rifles


Trapdoor rifles and rolling block rifles are beautiful and nobody can convince me otherwise


That rifle looks like brand new. I am missing the typical brass plaque and stampings which are common for swedish Military guns.


Beautiful rifle!


Like them old Remington rolling blocks. My buddy had one in 7mm Mauser, they had lots of calibers including 45-70, .43 Egyptian, 11mm Mauser, etc.




I would have thought that Brass would be a little toasty


Muito bonito, uma relíquia. 
Parabéns 🇧🇷 👍🏿