
β˜• Buy me a coffee: https://bmc.link/videogmz
🧭 All timestamps: 
00:00:00 - Return 5: Old Gods
00:00:14 - Nursery Rhyme Puzzle 11
00:01:12 - Charm 11 – Lantern Charm
00:01:48 - Cult Stash 12
00:03:56 - Lunch Box 15
00:04:33 - Cult Stash 13
00:05:45 - Lunch Box 16

00:07:52 - Valhalla Nursing Home
00:12:05 - Lunch Box 17
00:12:22 - Map – Valhalla Nursing Home
00:13:09 - Koskela Brother Commercial 5
00:17:24 - Deer Head 9
00:32:13 - Map – Wellness Center
00:42:48 - Weapon: Hunting Rifle
00:43:01 - Deer Head 10
01:32:26 - Cynthia  β€” Boss Battle

01:53:18 - Lunch Box 18
01:54:12 - Cult Stash 14 (Bunker Woods Stash Key)
01:55:42 - Cult Stash 15
01:58:03 - Ranger Station Stash Key
01:58:36 - Cult Stash 16
02:00:05 - Nursery Rhyme Puzzle 12
02:01:27 - Charm 12 – Coffee Mug
02:01:40 - Deer Head 11
02:03:21 - Nursery Rhyme Puzzle 13
02:03:59 - Charm 13 – Valhalla Nursing Home Charm
02:05:45 - Lunch Box 19
02:06:37 - Lunch Box 20
02:08:31 - Nursery Rhyme Puzzle 14
02:10:54 - Charm 14 – Anchor Charm
02:11:44 - Cult Stash 17
02:12:58 - Cult Stash 18 + Inventory Upgrade 3
02:14:32 - Cult Stash 19
02:19:50 - Cult Stash 20
02:21:58 - Nursery Rhyme Puzzle 15
02:22:34 - Charm 15 – Deerfest Charm
02:28:42 - Lunch Box 21
02:29:51 - Lake Cabins Stash Key
02:30:52 - Nursery Rhyme Puzzle 16
02:31:55 - Charm 16 – Coffee Mug Charm
02:32:21 - Deer Head 12
02:32:42 - Nursery Rhyme Doll 13 – Father Doll
02:33:43 - Cult Stash 21
02:43:10 - Nursery Rhyme Puzzle 17
02:47:08 - Extra Charm Slot
02:51:29 - Reward for finding all deers

02:53:49 - Return 6: Scratch
02:58:17 - Cult Stash 22 + Lighthouse Key
03:05:44 - Weapon: Pump-Action Shotgun
03:12:10 - Scratch β€” Boss Battle

03:15:48 - The Nice Things In Life Achievement + Charm 17 – Mayor Setter Charm
03:18:05 - Lighthouse Reward
03:46:40 - Back to Life Achievement

03:48:24 - Return 7: Summoning
03:56:08 - Initiation 9: Gone
04:02:18 - Scratch β€” Second Boss Battle
04:14:55 - Return 8: Deerfest
04:17:20 - Koskela Brother Commercial 6
04:42:28 - Return 9: Come Home
04:50:16 - Ending
04:58:36 - Platinum Trophy
04:58:50 - Post Credit Scene


10-10 video- my word this game needed a on screen navigation system/quest marker- without a video guide I would of never of completed this. I got the plat.


Though some collectibles were missed, this was a pretty fantastic guide!  I got my platinum. 🍻


The coffee commercials are the best. So damn funny.


Hmm, that voice... that was Alice calling Saga on that payphone.


Love the video!


ty for guide this actually one of the most confusing games ive ever played got lost so many times


Million thanks buddy for the platinum, it was great guide ..


3:29:43 Love this. Scratch is awesome :) Careful poking around into pure darkness, Saga. Don't stare too long into the abyss.


Got all achievements thanks to your guide. Looking forward to a guide for the DLCs. Thank you


Very nice content keep it up πŸ‘ πŸŽ‰


you are a legend thank you man


9:32 This is great, though I wonder who wrapped his towel, as it comes as a surprise to the nurse and she seems to be the sole worker there. I mean, how is she expecting an old man with crutches to put on his own pants, never mind socks?

10:10 "Electrocuted"? You mean he was executed by electricity?

10:20 I wonder what's with older women threatening violence on their husbands for flirting jokingly with younger women?

I thought the name Saga wasn't very common in Sweden, but apparently, that's where it's the most common. Figures, as American companies don't seem to know that the rest of Scandinavia exist. We got LEGO and a few popular from Denmark, popularized by Disney, but undoubtedly most Scandinavian popculture comes from Sweden, like a bunch of children's stories and then there's IKEA, of course. I guess Norway does have Roald Dahl. Kind of a big deal, when I think about it.

Neither Tor nor Odin sound Swedish, but I guess one can get rid of the accent. Usually can pick it out, though.

38:54 Lamest "reveal" ever. Had my suspicions but don't unveil it like this, game! Given the page talking about the attack on the hotel hours of gameplay ago was found here, I'm guessing the Koskela bros. run the nursing home and wellness clinic as a front for their cult.

The way Saga talks to deer mantle pieces rubs me like a certain message from wildlife activists. I don't like killing the things either, but I can't help people made it both into a sport (illegal, obviously) and are killing in vast excess of what ultimately gets sold in stores, to restaurants, etc., and then thrown out. Dunno if there's an argument of overpopulation, which, if true, isn't good either, but regardless, I don't really need that messaging in a video game or anywhere else. I got nothing to do with it and I can do nothing about it.

You'd think we would get to meet Cynthia before the game tells us she's sketchy.

Disappointed you keep running away from all these people talking, whether it's on the radio, old folks' ravings or just people sharing stories. Guess I can try looking them up.

2:11:06 Another sign the actress is English. I'm guessing she improvised that as the character, because no other nation in the world uses that phrase that I know of. Such a weird way of saying "happy to meet you".

2:47:13 What, he just died??? XD

I like how you walk between towns and car is just wherever you need it to be.

With 10 minutes left of this video, I'd just play out: "And suddenly, Alan woke up, and everything was as if he'd never disappeared 13 years ago. Alicew was alive and well ne3xt to him in their bed. Because nightmares aren't real and Scratch can go ** himself. The end." The rest would be credits.


Are you going to do a video for the Night Springs stuff?? I have this game on Series X and I’m currently following your vid! Amazing walk through as always!!!! Have used for vids for RE Village and The Last of Us!


Can't pick up the shotgun after Scratch throws the detective into the lake like a wet lettuce. I've made room for it but the shotgun just sits there


Have you tried sonic Origins Plus with Trophies. Can’t wait for looking forward to it.


@2:32:53 i cant make the black box appear any tips nvm I got it I was missing a box


are you going to do lord of the fallen?


Nice ,.,. share your save pls


But you don’t need to play on hard difficulty for platinum trophy , right ?