
18:53 is a good explanation as to why the monopolist will not produce in the inelastic portion of the demand curve.  As a PhD student I will say that this is a very popular question even at the advanced level


This course maximizes social welfare! :D


I honestly wish he could be my lecturer due to the way that he explains the work and makes use of simple examples that will stick and make things less complicated.


11:55 By lowering the price to sell more units, you're increasing your total revenue, but you're also reducing the percentage of profit on each unit. So, while you're still making money (and even more money overall), the profit margin per unit decreases.


This is incredible. Thank you MIT


Absolutely well done and definitely keep it up!!! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


Thanks for Providing such an Intersecting & Informative Lecture.


at 15:22 the equation for the demand curve should 24 -Q and not 24-2Q


Informative lecture..


Such an enjoyable lecture!! Loved it


This lecture is beneficial for society


Exactly what I need the night before exams


15:07 There is an error on the slide. The demand function is P = 24 - Q, there is P = 24 - 2Q.


The slide on 15:25 reads Demand= 24-2q, it should be Demand =24-q.


This professor is amazing but I can’t help but get Steve Carrell vibes from The Big Short. And I’m here for that!


great lecture!


I found an error on the slide as Bruno had already pointed out. The demand function is P = 24 - Q, there is P = 24 - 2Q.


Thanks Thierry lecture is benefical for society


theres an error on graph 11-3, d should be p=24-q not 2q as that would cause d and mr to have the same line


In 8:00 there is no need to consider marginal cost zero since we are talking about marginal revenue.