What a great day out Antiques, Chateau, wine and great company. Jo and Gary's Chateau is beautiful thanks for sharing
Jane, I love your videos. I love Gary and Jo's Chateau.
Oh thank you Jane for taking time out of your life to take us on the journey with you love watching yous both .your husband Remind me of my husband he's just the same very handy old school lol and Patrick and Stewart well so best to have good friends like them just love them guys ❤and Patrick is so funny. Always laughing and full of life you & Tony are so Bless to be surrounded by positive and a outgoing people God bless yous both and keep up your hard work .just Beautiful❤❤
Thanks for the video It is always so lovely to see all chateaus and brocantes .
This time I have to comment that you just look so beautiful Jane. Love your hair ❤ Thanks for bringing us along.
Oh Jane, thank you so much for taking us along. What a absolute lovely day you had. I so wish I had a group of friends like yourselves.
Brocanting - friends and wine - indeed a good day out!
We did have a lovely day, didn’t we? Loved it. And you two of course ❤❤❤❤
Jo and Gary have made enormous progress on their chateau from your first tour. It's so beautifully done with a great combination of antique and hints of more modern touches. Such lovely friends too! Thanks for another lovely video Jane!
Really enjoyed your day with you all ….lots of lovely beautiful things …… Pleased you all found some bargains 😘
All so beautiful.❤❤❤❤❤❤
Lovely day 😊 thankyou, Jane 🙏🏻❤
Jane, this is one of your best vlogs ever. So good to see everyone so happy. Perfect day, indeed.
I can hear Tony now after a hard days DIY- bring me my chalice 😊
Good scores at the broccont
Gorgeous tree Jane,miss you🧑🏻🎄🌲❤️😊❣️❣️🇺🇸
you are so beautiful and thank you for making my day brighter
Jane, love your video today and think Jo and Gary’s chateau is lovely. … it’s always a plus when you and Tony link up with Patrick and Stuart.
Wow, that first antique shopping had some very expensive items! Such a contrast with your favourite shop, which has such bargains. Nice to see you enjoying a day off with friends. Tony's large wine glass really would look lovely with a candle inside to show its beautiful colours!