John did the music he wanted to do with the people he wanted to do it with. His last two albums really define John as a new father that was happy in life and making records.
Individually they were all superstars, together they shook the 🌎 …. 🎸 🥁 🎹 🎵
Singles? John Albums? Probably George or Paul? All around probably John tho
I saw the Beatles twice. Those weren't concerts (you couldn't hear a thing) those were experiences. I saw George on his only tour, '74. He did two Beatles songs, maybe two solo songs; and too much music I wasn't familiar with. Paul 2002 = the BEST concert I've ever seen (he actually IS that good). Ringo - you're effectively seeing a Beatles, Cream, Santana, Frampton, Rundgren, Toto (plus others) concert. You're seeing all these guys you've been listening to for the past sixty years. Which Beatle had the best solo career? The BEATLES had the best solo career.
Best: John (longest lasting solo hits). 2nd best: Paul, but only till the 80's. 3rd: George (long-lasting hits, even through the 80s, not counting the very-successful Traveling Wilburys, as it wasn't just him). 4th: Ringo (because all-star jams of classic tunes don't count).
Opinions. It's a silly question for that reason. They all had stellar solo albums. Paul & Ringo lived longer; you could say Paul wins that match-up. I guess we could rule out Stu Sutcliffe & Pete Best. Billy Preston was never in the band as such, but he helped in the end days & ranks well too. But Paul ultimately proves to be the multi-talented melodic perpetual motion machine.
Paul never wanted to get out. John did and George did. I don't really know where Ringo was on this. I can't imagine he would have wanted to quit. He had the most to lose.
John...Hands down. Not even close.
Honestly other than an album worth of hits with Wings, I don't think any of them really impacted the music scene as they did while together.
How interesting,. I THINK George summed it up nicely when he says " Paul thinks he is the Beatles"
Easily McCartney
I think George had the best solo songs, while Paul was on paper the most successful
Jhon and George the most Spiritual , Paul and Ringo the most comercial. Jhon the soul of the group.
Paul. Hands down. ❤
Paul. Without a doubt
Paul, period. Of course he recorded some not so good albums, but just a few. All in all he has many good ones, alone or with Wings.
John and george music really touched me more than paul Music. Paul was more commercial, radio friendly play type music.
You could vote each one #1 and make a case for whomever you chose. But the best solo songs were John’s Imagine and Mind Games.