
You can collect the loot in rooms over and over again just walk out of the building and go back into the building and the loot reappears and the zombies reappears even though defeated them 😍


I'm so happy that you can level your weapons up with you as I hate when you find a fun/cool weapon and then it has crap damage.




Some of the zombies are completely silent the sound effects don't load in on time


Looks like a bunch of fun


When do you get guns and how frequent can you use them?


Dead island 2 cinematic cutscenes but with  kill count


1:08 is that a zombie eating another zombie?


Do enemies reslawn?


Everyone choose Ryan because he tough equal TANK he do have low agility but knock zombie get health back toughness hit zombie more damage with heavy melee weapon


Honestly games like these makes you feel like that Russian terrorist that beheaded that Ukrainian soldier.
Having these games released in the hands of these teenagers won't do much good.
I don't see the beauty and joy of having blood jumping everywhere.
A junk.
My opinion, some people need to find a way in life.