
Nice video! Saw some pushback from people saying that you shouldn't attack him for how he looks, but Trump talks about his and  opponents looks frequently, so fair game!!!


Trump just reeks of insecurity. Healthy people don't need to brag about themselves at every opportunity.


"Look at that gut.  Like a garbage bag full of buttermilk." šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Is this how you get a role in Hollywood these days?


Trump spends a majority of his time attacking how others look and act.

And the second you do it back to him, those dummies cry foul that you should be respectful and mature in EXACTLY the way they are not.


Glad they put this out as itā€™s own video.


This is the funniest video ever.. The jacking off giraffe part was JOKESSS


Dave Bautista looks amazing! Total inspo. Everything he says is accurate!


Dolly is tougher than Trump in every single way.


They need to run this as an ad.


This is the best damned ad I ever saw in my life!!! "Meryl F*&%@ing Streep!" was priceless!


This aged well


Best political ad I've seen this campaign. Nice one, Dave.


Watching in Norway - unbelievable, one of the funniest ( and accurate ) takedowns Iā€™ve ever seen.


This NEEDS to be played 24/7 on fox"news"!!!!




It could not have been said better.
Thank you for make the clip available on its own. :)


Run this add. RUN IT.


This dude wears pearls.


This is GOLD!!!šŸ…Especially that last bit. Totally sharing.