He still gonna be with Eddie but just not for the May 2nd fight but he will be in his corner for the Devin rematch
I keep saying Ryan needs to go to Teddy Atlas, Atlas is a no-nonsense trainer and he's very good at defense. Give Atlas two years with Ryan and Ryan's going to be a problem for everybody
I was expecting this. It was unexpected that he even got back with Canelo trainer after the first attempt.
You see he’s actually training he looks in’s shape now let’s see him make weight! Something he didn’t do bs Haney bc he knew him too well! And he also trained for tank too!
Yo my dude I told u u need to make a comedy stand up changing ur voice like any celebrity cuz u are great at and funny have laughing bro😮😅😅😂😂
SNAC Perfect! Drug test is needed for the whole camp!
Reynoso not with the diva stuff and if so be a dedicated fighter
He ain’t trying to pay probably all them lawsuits he got . Trying to keep all the money in house.
Ryan Garcia is a Liability wherever he goes DISTRACTION smh 🤦♂️
Rolly will never see the left hook coming good night rolly didn't rolly say he was retiring he's becoming a joke I like rolly but he doesn't have the intelligence he's to easy to set up for the knockout I have a thousand bucks that says Ryan knocks him out in four no later than five
That ain’t a good sign
lil Ryan quit the canelo camp the same time he was first hanging out with the Paul's. lost respect and was exposed as a hype job
Si nous nous amusions autant chaque soir, nous ne dormirions jamais assez, mais nous serions toujours heureux🌺