Cashier was like "Keep trying honey, you'll get the hang of it" 😭😭😭
the worker looks like she sees this shit every second day. 💀 (This comment section did not disappoint, love y’all)
“He is only a few dollars richer but a thousand more reasons to be ashamed”
That worker behind the counter was literally holding up her phone, recording the man stealing from the donation box 💀
“Just take it” ahh employee😭✋
The worker there literally doesn’t care 😂
Just so you guys know. The lady cant do anything or she will lose her job. The law says that if a worker tries to stop a person even if they're stealing, they can only report it to the police and can't interject.
The minimum wage employee really doesn’t care😂
Dont blame him, he was on a side quest 😂😂
The worker does not give a sh*t about it 😂
"Ill get the hang of it" ahh robber 😭🙏
The sheer dedication for just a couple dollars and some dirty nickles
“Uhh give me a second”ahh robber😭💀
I love how the emplyee just there casually just recording him 😂
“I don’t get paid enough for this shit” GTA 5 Sheriff
What makes it even scummier is those donations go to childrens hospitals
McRobbery is crazy.
The worker like just take it we don’t need it 😂
the worker is looking at him like “wtf are you doing dude”💀