
I’ve never heard two people sing so perfectly together.


Still my favorite Ren song. It’s raw, beautiful, powerful, truthful, and 100% relatable.


This is my favourite part of this music video. The intensity and emotion from Chinchilla and Ren hits different. They give 110%


Still today one of the most beautiful songs I have ever heard. Stunning 💖


Still the most beautiful duet I have ever heard.  ❤


This live version of this song was the catalyst for me to finally take charge of my medications and find a doctor who would allow me to stop talking Diazapam and other psychological meds that I don't actually need to take. Thank you both for the courage to do so.


You two gave me all over chills.. the tone of your voices when they meet is unreal...deep❤


I adore the live version so much. Any chance of releasing it on other platforms? I need this on my playlist ♥️


Goosebumps all over, everytime I hear this duet!  Phenominal!!


This song was my very first Ren song. I came to watch it because I had just discovered Daisy's music, and all the reactors to her songs were mentioning this song and some guy named Ren. I was actually hesitant to check this Ren cat out because I was loving Chinchilla so much that I thought I'd be disappointed in anyone else at that moment.

I don't think I've ever been so wrong in my life, and I've been wrong a lot. 😂❤ 

Perfect vocals, devastatingly good message and lyrics, fantastic performance, and just...I can't possibly say enough good things about this.


This has got to be my favorite song from either of these two, and I love both Ren and Chinchilla


These harmonies 😍🥰I'm melting... Goosebumps🥺😍🥰👏


Absolutely love this song... I was in a deep dark place for quite a bit. This song was one of a few that helped me push through the darkness... Thanks Ren, you truly are making changes with your music. Never change yourself!  So glad to have found you before it was too late.


This is a true jewel ❤! You are both amazing artists who manage to express the deepest feelings with the highest sensitiveness.


One of my favorites.. the harmony is amazing ❤🔥


I hope we get to see more collabs between the two of you.  You complement each other so well.  Like a modern Simon & Garfunkel.


My favorite. Chinchilla is such a queen, that voice!!!


By far my favourite


The expressions 😭


This song has had me since my first listening. It resonates with my energy in a way no one & no song previously has. 

With every fiber of my being, thank you both for this song. I sing with you every time, no matter where or when. ❤