
I didn't even get half way through the video and I had already went and bought the plans ... This is EXACTLY what I have been looking for ....


Holy carp, I literally was drawing up plans for nearly this exact idea for my garage workshop and had no idea where to start.  AWESOME.


Thank you. Made it for my DeWalt and it's working great. Not only is it plenty stable and saving space in my small shop, but at the same time it's great for bottom dust collection.
Thanks again, top design, you've helped me a lot.


Finally finished building this excellent table. Took me 4 days of 4 hours each, including planer time. Made the #1 DUH mistake of presuming your DeWalt table saw and mine are the same width.  Evidently they are either different years or different model #'s.  Customized it with some widening of slots for the top and bottom to the 2" width difference and all else is wonderful.  A little more time spent showing how to properly attach the brackets would have been nice, but a friend came over to help me lift the saw from the rolling stand it was on to its new home on the table.  He's been woodworking and metal working for over 20 years, so problem solved. Took your advice on the larger wheels and they am glad I did.  This table is well worth the time and effort. Thanks.  The plans in conjunction with the video made it doable for a newby to woodworking like myself. If the voice over matched what you were doing on the video, it would have been easier to follow.  BTW, I'm a 78 year old woman.  If I can do it, anyone can.


I was all set to reinvent the wheel and lo and behold, you came across with exactly what I need. Couple of changes I plan to incorporate; 1. Adjustable table height so I can adapt it to whatever Saw I end up getting and numeral two. Retractable casters that pop up inside the cabinet when the saw is in use. There are lots of people online that have come up with clever ways to do this, but from what I can tell Carl Holgren was the OG on that idea. Checked out the plans and the price is reasonable so I'll be picking those up as well.


This is absolutely what I needed Zack I’ve got that same saw and getting ready to move and not sure how much room I’m going to have so this will be perfect. Thanks for sharing


I also love that you are using  the table saw to make dados, and making it a one tool build!


Excellent work! I saw this and was going to try and make on my own until i realized you had the exact same saw as me. Small price to pay to save a ton of time and happy to support a small business. I modified the plans a bit and extended the frame to run my miter saw on as well. Makes for a perfect portable workstation for both saws with operating out of my garage.


Those 3D printed spacers are brilliant.


Zach, we are on the same page.  I am a retired engineer (no I didn't drive trains) and I believe in heavy duty construction.  I have scoured the internet and this shop saw outfeed table is the best I have seen.  I will soon be building it from your plans.


I'm absolutely going to build this.  This was just what I was looking for to be able to use my table saw more safely and effectively.


Picked up an old job site saw (skil 3102) for cheap while I'm working on building out cabinets at my parents house. This is definitely one of the better options for a saw caddy and workable. Great video!


I started making this yesterday. I messed up so many times. I’m not a real wood worker, but I’m ambitious. I have the entire base now, no flaps. My measurements were so bad, but in the end I made it work.


Thanks Zack, I've got plans on building this for my DeWalt table saw. It has a nice foot print but I plan on building two of the modular latching workbenches as well to park along each side of the outfeed table to make an even larger outfeed/assembly area for my small shop. When through just park everything along the wall 🙂


Really wonderful!! My "new" shop is 12'x12' and this will become a great solution. Thank you! Bought the plans!


I really like this. I am in a 12x20 portable building and this will be perfect for my metabo contractor saw


Looks perfect for my one car garage shop, just downloaded the plans and can't wait to get started!


Your vocal cadence and presentation style remind me of the automotive repair/restoration TV shows that were popular in the 90s. Not sure if you were aiming for that, but there it is.


Thanks for always doing great builds. I have a bunch of your plans and have built your workbench carts I use them for my garden plants. I am planning on making a bunch more of those only shorter because I am short and didn’t make them short enough in the first try.


this looks great.  have ordered already plus a couple of other plans also.  now I might be able to get my wife's car back in the garage