
3:43:49  yeah lol, you was right about the third map not being needed 🤣


MongolZ to the moon


what an upset...I totally didn't see this coming!
Congratz Mongolz, a stellar performance today...


Jl, you are a great player! I always respect and support you.


Wait mongols WON? What


Spoiler blocker


MongolZ are insane <3 hope they take some time and get some practice in English - would love to hear what they have to say




5:30:56 910 peek


cual es el tema que suena al principio por diooosss


what is the song in 2:32:40?


s there a more arrogant and cringe team than vitality?


Why liquid? 😢😢




13 - 6 twice hhhh




Naf = bot .


Studio win nobody GAF


Is there a more arrogant and cringe team than vitality?


Big L to navi dont even want to admit that i am navi fan bc they losing to npc teams like this