I think being an artist, is a beautiful gift. It takes you places, you’ve never been, and leaves you breathless!!🤩🤩🙌
I wouldn’t have Believed it if I hadn’t watched it with my Own Eyes‼️ You Are Blessed & Unique ❤️💕❤️ Thank You 🙏🏼 4 Sharing 🙏🏽🙏🏼🙏🏽
Кажуть , що чарівники існують тільки в казках . А ось людина на твоїх очах руками на чистому аркуші творить диво ! Не одного зайвого руху , і ось через 12 хвилин на світ народився маленький шедевр на радісь людям ! Дякуємо , майстре , за вашу творчість !
Обалденно красиво😍!!! Вы супер!!! Ваши работы 🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥!!! 🙏Благодарю за такую красоту!!! ❤🍀❤
OMGOSH I literally couldn’t stop crying. Makes me think of how God is crafting something for my life more beautiful than I may even imagine. I had no idea where you were going, but I saw every stage of my life in this x-static process. Then I’m there walking peacefully through it all.
Просто волшебство какое то!!!! Все время боялась, что испортится такая красота 😅. Но становилось все лучше и насыщеннее. Вау!!!!!
потрясающие работы, смотрю как загипнотизированная)) не могу глаз оторвать, как будто погружаешься в то волшебство что написал художник❤ своеобразный релакс при просмотре, отключается от реальности
The things this person can see in a bunch of paint put in lines. True artist with vision.
Красота неописуемая! ❤❤❤❤❤ Казалось бы просто краска, а потом рождается чудо! Это у Вас дар от Бога!
I would have stopped with the sprays of colors at the beginning and thought I was creating a masterpiece!! You gave such a gift.
This Epic, YouTube is the best thing that ever happened to mankind
Художники - это волшебники!!! Красота!!!!!
Wow. Watching while he did the umbrella and person. I saw the umbrella, then a blob of paint. Then I couldn't believe how amazing the person's body and legs just appeared. That was crazy amazing!!!
Have made 2 paintings since watching this channel, after not painting since my freshmen year of high school about 10 years ago. Sure, they look like they were painted by a child, but it's a fun and rewarding feeling to see your mental picture take shape. I can only get better from here! I've done a grassy landscape with flowers and a space themed one, with a few planets and a meteor. I'm happy with how they've turned out! P.S. It never hurts to get away from my computer now and then! If you want to paint, but know it won't be great like this, who cares?! Have fun with it!
No me esperaba ese final. Creía que sería una pintura abstracta, donde los colores formaban un arcoiris oscuro y finalmente el pintor nos regala esta maravilla. Gracias muchas gracias.
Как здорово, когда человек творческий и может создавать и дарить людям красоту
~ Magnificent painting, Love the colors, the movement of the rain. The reflections of the lampposts and trees. ~ 💜
I wanted to go make popcorn because this was better than any movie I’ve seen in a long time! The plot thickened with each new tool, (which—who knew could be everyday objects?!) and just when I thought you had ruined it with the splatters, it came to life in a new way. What a gift you have—Bravo!
How lucky these people are to be blessed with such talent. Amazing technic beautiful painting.