
You are a Trusted Real Estate Influencer in Lucknow, Good Job


Informative Video sir ❤❤💛💛


You have very good information


I like your videos specially dedicated to middle class segment. And the sites are at good places


Thank you so much sir


Very, good,, ❤maine,, char, sal, pahle, dekha tha, plat,,, aur,, apke, ऑफिस,, bhi, gaya, tha❤


Informative video, Good


साइड की लोकेशन तो बहुत बढ़िया है, बैंक लोन हो जाएगा ?


Sir 2500 sqr fit chahiye par budget 1200 rupy he kahi ho to batayega


Safedabad ki registry to barabanki me hoti hai, kesarabag kaha se aa gaya idhar. Please clear karo


SBI approving loan here? CC OC? Society name?


price kiya hai


Price information please


Price kya hai


Price please


2000 sq/Ft Hai


Rate kya hai??


mujhe sasta plot chahiye 1000sq ka plot


Rate jyada hai


Price information please