
Stream the OG animal flow here!!!!



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Imagine you are on your way back home at night and Ren is sitting on the backseat singing this song πŸ˜‚


So much more menacing than the original genius


Brilliant!! Personally, I prefer this to the recorded version. You cannot beat Ren with a guitar. This is where he shines the most. Love it


Personally love the rawness of this and how alot of my camera moves were with the swaying of the bus and work with rens movements and the music. Hope you all love it!


Ah, yes!  The hidden message:  Ren has gone from "busking" to Bus King! 🦁


My God...all Ren needs is his acoustic guitar & his own GENIUS...πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ everytime


I would absolutely buy an acoustic Sick Boi album!


"Let's keep it... Just in caseπŸ˜‚" 3:24
Yeah, just in case it's absolutely freaking phenomenal!


In a million years I couldn’t fathom this track going this hard on just an acoustic guitar? 

Ren never fails to leave my mouth agape in disbelief.


The craziest thing is slowing this down and hearing how every word is pronounced so clearly


The pinch harmonic at 1:19 is a badass dynamic layering of an already dynamically layered song.


When the acoustic versions are even better than the originals you know you’re watching an incredible talent unfold


Now being used by Mitsubishi in a TV ad in Australia. Hope the royalties are flooding in Ren!


How?!? Just how the hell can you make a perfect, live, acoustic recording of this song whilst riding on a public bus? Especially with this level of sound recording. I haven't got a clue how you did it, but Ren, you blew this out of the park. It somehow has a darker, more sinister sound with this minimal arrangement and I love it!


"Let's keep it just in case..." As much as I appreciate the "Animal Flow" MV, I actually prefer this one. Who knew that an acoustic guitar and a voice, with no studio juicing, could hit this hard? This is the "Animal Flow" that's going in my playlist. For me, it has excellent repeat play capacity. Thanks for saving this take to be released while you're away getting treatment ❀🎡


Never thought an acoustic version of this track could be so captivating. Pure talent on the next level. πŸ‘


Ren, I can't imagine how the hell you're going to pull off an acoustic version of this song but I'm betting you won't disappoint. 😁


You're ability to flip and strip these songs that don't seem like they could work acoustically is amazing.  Can't wait to see how you do this one!