So much wisdom and courage from such a young lady. May God continue to guide and bless you.
I just moved to another country in November 2024, Germany. I’m learning the language, all by myself. I will be starting over and going back to school to get a better career and new life, completely new lifestyle. It’s not easy but I’m happy I’m finally living for me.
This is so comforting, Maya. I'm also a teacher, but I'm from the Philippines. I'm married with no kids and I'll be turning 40 in 2 years, but it always feels like I'll turn 30 yet again. Thank you. Your videos are so heartwarming and inspiring ❤
I love this, Maya. Thank you for allowing us to experience your transformation over the years. I am believing in God for our "now" and trusting Him with our "next". 😊
Hi Maya, thank you so much for sharing. I stayed at my work for 15 years with the same feeling. That was waaaaat tooo long... but I started over at 40. I let go my boyfriend we where almost 20 years together and we lived together 14 years. But it wasn't right. But I was so happy. I lived alone for the first time ever and it opened a whole new world. Happiest time of my life. 😅
I am leaving a job I held for almost 12 years on the 28th of this month. I decided to rest for a month or two. I am afraid to take this risk but I am tired and unmotivated so working in this situation would be unfair to an employer. I am 56 and I am quite unsure if I am doing the right thing. Thanks to this video. It’s helpful.❤❤❤❤
The education field has become toxic for workers who have their passion exploited. Being in an emotionally charged environment w/ no protection or feeling safe leads to burn out. “Teaching” is a role that can take on many forms. Thank you for sharing your experience for newbie educators.
I just quit my job as a high school teacher after 7 years. I LOVED being a teacher but over the years it was so emotionally and physically draining and things kept getting worse (behaviors /demands etc), I couldn't do it any longer.
thanks for making this video! stumbled on your video after i posted mine. totally identify with everything you shared - career, values, church, trusting the Lord in his perfect timing etc. its scary being in a waiting season but also at the same time excited to see what comes after it.
Thank you for sharing Maya! I feel so motivated by what you have just shared. I am in the same situation, where I moved country to be with my long term bf. Lots of changes happened. I got married and I had to work in a different environment - same job but different demographics of patients. Your sharing has always grounded me back to knowing that God has something installed for us and we just have to trust in Him. Thank you!
This video truly comes in the right time. So inspiring. I started everything very late and i'm 31 and still struggling to be financially independent and your tips are inspiring and moving truly
Watching this touched my heart, Maya! I too began as a teacher and had similar feelings of dread walking into the classroom, and I too felt all the happiness AND sadness mixed in at my recent wedding! For me it was joy because I got to commit to my spouse, but sadness because of that reordering of priorities for my family of origin, and "cleaving" from my parents. I am now in the mental health field and am so grateful for the redirection, because all those difficult moments in teaching ultimately led to a much better fitting job. Thank you for sharing your story so candidly!
I have seen your growth, Maya and it makes me so inspired. You had less than 100k subs when I started following your journey and you have come a long way. ✨
Hi, Maya. Thank you for sharing this. I am in my 30s, unmarried, and looking for a job and it is all so overwhelming at times. I am learning to lean on God and trust that he is in control. Watching this video reminded me that God has the best for us and He is building us up in every way during these 'waiting' periods.
Maya, I've just started going back to school to change careers! I've been in libraries for 10 years, but I've decided to switch to early childhood education. I got a master's in library science, but I've kept getting rejected, even by my own workplace, again and again. So I've been applying to jobs and interviewing and working on school again, and it's so overwhelming trying to keep up with that, along with my health and fitness goals and my personal hobbies. I'm turning 31 in August, so this video is coming to me at the right time. I've been feeling so sick of my current job, even though I used to love it, and the change is scary, but I have support that makes me feel like I can do this
I’m 38 and have also started over, I suppose closer to 40 than 30. Walked away from a 6 year relationship. Had to leave behind almost everything I owned and truly start over. Thankfully I was able to stay with my parents for 2 years. New career/job this year. It’s well challenging. I miss so about my past work (but I’m physically unable to do that job). ❤ accepting these limitations my body has set for me post brain injury… ugh it’s frustrating but i have found a lot of joy in living a slower more intentional life I suppose. The Lord took my need for stability & routine and was like let’s mix this up a bit! Too many clicks in the editing. (Sorry just my feedback) Thanks for sharing your journey!
Your morning routine are so golden & now this! Thank you! Definitely in this season. Moments over milestones = mental health focus. God Bless 🙏🏾
Thanks Maya for sharing with us a bit more of your life before. And for the lessons you teach us about life and Our Father. 🤗💖
thank you Maya for sharing your wisdom and experiences with us! i'm only a few years younger and currently going through another big life change ~ committing to trusting the Lord through it all ♡