
Amazing to think that this song never made the final album cut, just like everything AC/DC has produced, bloody brilliant


Way better than most of the Stiff Upper Lip songs, Totally killer!


Kick fekkin' ass!
AC/DC will remain, as always, the epitome of Rock and/or Roll!


I like the songs nobody knows


This song rocks! Long live AC/DC! Hopefully they will release the new album once COVID-19 and the looting and rioting slow down!


I think this would have been a better ending for Stiff Upper Lip than Give it up but on the other hand it serves as a pretty good ending for Backtracks too


Listen to this on the left channel. Malcolm was a rock n roll machine


Good rock n roll song....


best collection.


Yeah!!!! Song so good


Que temazooooo


From Stiff Upper Lip Deluxe Edition,Safe in New York City Single and Backtracks Studio Rarities


This song is a gem!


Blasphemy that this wasn't included on Stiff Upper Lip, it's better than almost every song on the album


Damn Mal was smashing the bejeesuz out of the Beast here!


Bonne chanson, elle manque sur stiff upper lip Comme let it go the black crow...


Excellent song!


Quando Dio disse ai componenti degli AC/DC andate sulla terra  e imparate agli altri come si suona  il vero METALπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


18th and Last song of Backtracks Studio Rarities


ACDC are still your daddies