
I agree, but it depends on the situation because if a girl asks you to leave her alone because ur harassing her; leave her alone, but if she’s upset, comfort her, don’t leave ❀


Absolutely 😊😊It depends on the problem πŸ€” 😊 Thanks for the video.  It must been the deadly  πŸ’‹  😊😊❀❀


So true ❀❀


True ❀


Bro where u get these types of background


If you really know your person you know why. πŸ€«πŸ˜‰


Yes πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”


So true 😭


Hahaha, that true πŸ˜‚


Me personally i say alot of things i don't really mean to boys at my school because. Im 12 years old and i have one brother and 4 sisters im the second youngest. My brother is 17 and he is so abusive and im scared hes gonna hurt me. So when i go to school and a boy talks to me i have anxiety attacks because im scard. And stuff like that its really hard for me and im 12


Next video on how to see a boy likes u ❀❀❀




what should i do then ?????


No. If they genuinely want to be left alone THEN LEAVE THEM ALONE

Unless they end up being fine with it, it depends on the situation.


Yes πŸ‘ because we say ALOT of bad things when we are mad 😑 lol sorry

